problems with in QGIS/GRASS GIS

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problems with in QGIS/GRASS GIS


When I try to use the tool in QGIS, the output datasets have a value of 0 for every feature in the flow column. almost every other tool works, such as and how do I get the tool to actually output the proper values? I have attached the log below.

Processing algorithm… Algorithm '' starting… Input
parameters: { 'GRASS_MIN_AREA_PARAMETER' : 0.0001,
'arc_backward_column' : None, 'arc_column' : 'Shape_Leng', 'cut' :
'F:/Work Stuff/SteinerTree/Steiner/Section 4/cut.shp', 'input' :
'node_column' : None, 'output' : 'F:/Work
Stuff/SteinerTree/Steiner/Section 4/flow.shp', 'points' : 'F:/Work
Stuff/SteinerTree/Steiner/Section 5/Section5.shp', 'sink_cats' : '',
'sink_where' : 'TYPE = 0', 'source_cats' : '', 'source_where' : 'TYPE
= 1', 'threshold' : 50 }

g.proj -c proj4="+proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=-76.5 +k=0.9999
+x_0=304800 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs" min_area=0.0001 snap=-1.0 input="F:Work StuffSteinerTreeSteinerNETWORK3TRY.shp" layer="NETWORK3TRY"
output="vector_5c906e50cfc9823" --overwrite -o
min_area=0.0001 snap=-1.0 input="F:Work
StuffSteinerTreeSteinerSection 5Section5.shp"
output="vector_5c906e50cfc9824" --overwrite -o g.region
n=5027309.435160724 s=5024626.0554929385 e=363198.1515355515
w=360651.9582503296 -s input=vector_5c906e50cfc9823
points=vector_5c906e50cfc9824 output=net5c906e50d046625
operation=connect threshold=50.0 v.db.connect -o
map=net5c906e50d046625 table=vector_5c906e50cfc9824 layer=2
input=net5c906e50d046625 source_where="TYPE = 1" sink_where="TYPE = 0"
arc_column=Shape_Leng output=outpute1098a53ef12487c97f2a35692f70e87
cut=cute1098a53ef12487c97f2a35692f70e87 --overwrite v.out.ogr
type="line" input="outpute1098a53ef12487c97f2a35692f70e87"
output="F:/Work Stuff/SteinerTree/Steiner/Section 4/flow.shp"
format="ESRI_Shapefile" layer=1 -c --overwrite v.out.ogr type="line"
input="cute1098a53ef12487c97f2a35692f70e87" output="F:/Work
Stuff/SteinerTree/Steiner/Section 4/cut.shp" format="ESRI_Shapefile"
layer=1 -c --overwrite Starting GRASS GIS... WARNING: Concurrent
mapset locking is not supported on Windows Executing

... C:OSGEO4~1bin>chcp 1252 1>NUL C:OSGEO4~1bin>g.proj -c
proj4="+proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=-76.5 +k=0.9999 +x_0=304800 +y_0=0
+ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs" Default region was updated to the new projection, but if you have multiple mapsets
g.region -d should be run in each to update the region from the
default Projection information updated C:OSGEO4~1bin>
min_area=0.0001 snap=-1.0 input="F:Work
StuffSteinerTreeSteinerNETWORK3TRY.shp" layer="NETWORK3TRY"
output="vector_5c906e50cfc9823" --overwrite -o Over-riding projection
check Check if OGR layer contains polygons...
0..2..4..6..8..10..12..14..16..18..20..22..24..26..28..30..32..34..36..38..40..42..44..46..48..50..52..54..56..58..60..62..64..66..68..70..72..74..76..78..80..82..84..86..88..90..92..94..96..98..100 Creating attribute table for layer ... Column name
renamed to Importing 8460 features (OGR layer )...
----------------------------------------------------- Building topology for vector map ...
Registering primitives... C:OSGEO4~1bin> min_area=0.0001
snap=-1.0 input="F:Work StuffSteinerTreeSteinerSection
5Section5.shp" output="vector_5c906e50cfc9824" --overwrite -o
Over-riding projection check Check if OGR layer contains
0..2..4..6..8..10..12..14..16..18..20..22..24..26..28..30..32..34..36..38..40..42..44..46..48..50..52..54..56..58..60..62..64..66..68..70..72..74..76..78..80..82..84..86..88..90..92..94..96..98..100 Creating attribute table for layer ... Importing 888
features (OGR layer )...
----------------------------------------------------- Building topology for vector map ...
Registering primitives... C:OSGEO4~1bin>g.region n=5027309.435160724
s=5024626.0554929385 e=363198.1515355515 w=360651.9582503296
C:OSGEO4~1bin> -s input=vector_5c906e50cfc9823
points=vector_5c906e50cfc9824 output=net5c906e50d046625
operation=connect threshold=50.0 Copying features...
2..5..8..11..14..17..20..23..26..29..32..35..38..41..44..47..50..53..56..59..62..65..68..71..74..77..80..83..86..89..92..95..98..100 Building topology for vector map ...
Registering primitives... Copying attributes... Building topology for
vector map ... Registering primitives... complete. 0 lines (network arcs) written to output.
C:OSGEO4~1bin>v.db.connect -o map=net5c906e50d046625
table=vector_5c906e50cfc9824 layer=2 The table
is now part of vector map
and may be deleted or overwritten by GRASS
modules Select privileges were granted on the table
C:OSGEO4~1bin> input=net5c906e50d046625 source_where="TYPE
= 1" sink_where="TYPE = 0" arc_column=Shape_Leng output=outpute1098a53ef12487c97f2a35692f70e87
cut=cute1098a53ef12487c97f2a35692f70e87 --overwrite Building graph...
Registering arcs...
1..3..5..7..9..11..13..15..17..19..21..23..25..27..29..31..33..35..37..39..41..43..45..47..49..51..53..55..57..59..61..63..65..67..69..71..73..75..77..79..81..83..85..87..89..91..93..95..97..99..100 Flattening the graph... Graph was built Writing the output...
1..3..5..7..9..11..13..15..17..19..21..23..25..27..29..31..33..35..37..39..41..43..45..47..49..51..53..55..57..59..61..63..65..67..69..71..73..75..77..79..81..83..85..87..89..91..93..95..97..99..100 Building topology for vector map
... Registering
primitives... Building topology for vector map
... Registering
primitives... C:OSGEO4~1bin>v.out.ogr type="line"
input="outpute1098a53ef12487c97f2a35692f70e87" output="F:/Work
Stuff/SteinerTree/Steiner/Section 4/flow.shp" format="ESRI_Shapefile"
layer=1 -c --overwrite WARNING: 888 points found, but not requested to
be exported
. Verify 'type' parameter. Exporting 8460 features...
5..11..17..23..29..35..41..47..53..59..65..71..77..83..89..95..100 v.out.ogr complete. 8460 features (Line String type) written to
(ESRI_Shapefile format).
C:OSGEO4~1bin>v.out.ogr type="line"
input="cute1098a53ef12487c97f2a35692f70e87" output="F:/Work
Stuff/SteinerTree/Steiner/Section 4/cut.shp" format="ESRI_Shapefile"
layer=1 -c --overwrite WARNING: No lines found, but requested to be
exported. Will skip this feature type. WARNING: No attribute table
found -> using only category numbers as attributes
Exporting 0
features... WARNING: Output layer is empty, no features written
v.out.ogr complete. 0 features (Line String type) written to
(ESRI_Shapefile format).
C:OSGEO4~1bin>exit Execution of

finished. Cleaning up default sqlite database ... Cleaning up
temporary files... Execution completed in 20.03 seconds Results:
{'cut': , 'output':

Loading resulting layers Algorithm '' finished



    When I try to use the tool in QGIS, the output datasets have a value of 0 for every feature in the flow column. almost every other tool works, such as and how do I get the tool to actually output the proper values? I have attached the log below.

    Processing algorithm… Algorithm '' starting… Input
    parameters: { 'GRASS_MIN_AREA_PARAMETER' : 0.0001,
    'arc_backward_column' : None, 'arc_column' : 'Shape_Leng', 'cut' :
    'F:/Work Stuff/SteinerTree/Steiner/Section 4/cut.shp', 'input' :
    'node_column' : None, 'output' : 'F:/Work
    Stuff/SteinerTree/Steiner/Section 4/flow.shp', 'points' : 'F:/Work
    Stuff/SteinerTree/Steiner/Section 5/Section5.shp', 'sink_cats' : '',
    'sink_where' : 'TYPE = 0', 'source_cats' : '', 'source_where' : 'TYPE
    = 1', 'threshold' : 50 }

    g.proj -c proj4="+proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=-76.5 +k=0.9999
    +x_0=304800 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs" min_area=0.0001 snap=-1.0 input="F:Work StuffSteinerTreeSteinerNETWORK3TRY.shp" layer="NETWORK3TRY"
    output="vector_5c906e50cfc9823" --overwrite -o
    min_area=0.0001 snap=-1.0 input="F:Work
    StuffSteinerTreeSteinerSection 5Section5.shp"
    output="vector_5c906e50cfc9824" --overwrite -o g.region
    n=5027309.435160724 s=5024626.0554929385 e=363198.1515355515
    w=360651.9582503296 -s input=vector_5c906e50cfc9823
    points=vector_5c906e50cfc9824 output=net5c906e50d046625
    operation=connect threshold=50.0 v.db.connect -o
    map=net5c906e50d046625 table=vector_5c906e50cfc9824 layer=2
    input=net5c906e50d046625 source_where="TYPE = 1" sink_where="TYPE = 0"
    arc_column=Shape_Leng output=outpute1098a53ef12487c97f2a35692f70e87
    cut=cute1098a53ef12487c97f2a35692f70e87 --overwrite v.out.ogr
    type="line" input="outpute1098a53ef12487c97f2a35692f70e87"
    output="F:/Work Stuff/SteinerTree/Steiner/Section 4/flow.shp"
    format="ESRI_Shapefile" layer=1 -c --overwrite v.out.ogr type="line"
    input="cute1098a53ef12487c97f2a35692f70e87" output="F:/Work
    Stuff/SteinerTree/Steiner/Section 4/cut.shp" format="ESRI_Shapefile"
    layer=1 -c --overwrite Starting GRASS GIS... WARNING: Concurrent
    mapset locking is not supported on Windows Executing

    ... C:OSGEO4~1bin>chcp 1252 1>NUL C:OSGEO4~1bin>g.proj -c
    proj4="+proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=-76.5 +k=0.9999 +x_0=304800 +y_0=0
    +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs" Default region was updated to the new projection, but if you have multiple mapsets
    g.region -d should be run in each to update the region from the
    default Projection information updated C:OSGEO4~1bin>
    min_area=0.0001 snap=-1.0 input="F:Work
    StuffSteinerTreeSteinerNETWORK3TRY.shp" layer="NETWORK3TRY"
    output="vector_5c906e50cfc9823" --overwrite -o Over-riding projection
    check Check if OGR layer contains polygons...
    0..2..4..6..8..10..12..14..16..18..20..22..24..26..28..30..32..34..36..38..40..42..44..46..48..50..52..54..56..58..60..62..64..66..68..70..72..74..76..78..80..82..84..86..88..90..92..94..96..98..100 Creating attribute table for layer ... Column name
    renamed to Importing 8460 features (OGR layer )...
    ----------------------------------------------------- Building topology for vector map ...
    Registering primitives... C:OSGEO4~1bin> min_area=0.0001
    snap=-1.0 input="F:Work StuffSteinerTreeSteinerSection
    5Section5.shp" output="vector_5c906e50cfc9824" --overwrite -o
    Over-riding projection check Check if OGR layer contains
    0..2..4..6..8..10..12..14..16..18..20..22..24..26..28..30..32..34..36..38..40..42..44..46..48..50..52..54..56..58..60..62..64..66..68..70..72..74..76..78..80..82..84..86..88..90..92..94..96..98..100 Creating attribute table for layer ... Importing 888
    features (OGR layer )...
    ----------------------------------------------------- Building topology for vector map ...
    Registering primitives... C:OSGEO4~1bin>g.region n=5027309.435160724
    s=5024626.0554929385 e=363198.1515355515 w=360651.9582503296
    C:OSGEO4~1bin> -s input=vector_5c906e50cfc9823
    points=vector_5c906e50cfc9824 output=net5c906e50d046625
    operation=connect threshold=50.0 Copying features...
    2..5..8..11..14..17..20..23..26..29..32..35..38..41..44..47..50..53..56..59..62..65..68..71..74..77..80..83..86..89..92..95..98..100 Building topology for vector map ...
    Registering primitives... Copying attributes... Building topology for
    vector map ... Registering primitives... complete. 0 lines (network arcs) written to output.
    C:OSGEO4~1bin>v.db.connect -o map=net5c906e50d046625
    table=vector_5c906e50cfc9824 layer=2 The table
    is now part of vector map
    and may be deleted or overwritten by GRASS
    modules Select privileges were granted on the table
    C:OSGEO4~1bin> input=net5c906e50d046625 source_where="TYPE
    = 1" sink_where="TYPE = 0" arc_column=Shape_Leng output=outpute1098a53ef12487c97f2a35692f70e87
    cut=cute1098a53ef12487c97f2a35692f70e87 --overwrite Building graph...
    Registering arcs...
    1..3..5..7..9..11..13..15..17..19..21..23..25..27..29..31..33..35..37..39..41..43..45..47..49..51..53..55..57..59..61..63..65..67..69..71..73..75..77..79..81..83..85..87..89..91..93..95..97..99..100 Flattening the graph... Graph was built Writing the output...
    1..3..5..7..9..11..13..15..17..19..21..23..25..27..29..31..33..35..37..39..41..43..45..47..49..51..53..55..57..59..61..63..65..67..69..71..73..75..77..79..81..83..85..87..89..91..93..95..97..99..100 Building topology for vector map
    ... Registering
    primitives... Building topology for vector map
    ... Registering
    primitives... C:OSGEO4~1bin>v.out.ogr type="line"
    input="outpute1098a53ef12487c97f2a35692f70e87" output="F:/Work
    Stuff/SteinerTree/Steiner/Section 4/flow.shp" format="ESRI_Shapefile"
    layer=1 -c --overwrite WARNING: 888 points found, but not requested to
    be exported
    . Verify 'type' parameter. Exporting 8460 features...
    5..11..17..23..29..35..41..47..53..59..65..71..77..83..89..95..100 v.out.ogr complete. 8460 features (Line String type) written to
    (ESRI_Shapefile format).
    C:OSGEO4~1bin>v.out.ogr type="line"
    input="cute1098a53ef12487c97f2a35692f70e87" output="F:/Work
    Stuff/SteinerTree/Steiner/Section 4/cut.shp" format="ESRI_Shapefile"
    layer=1 -c --overwrite WARNING: No lines found, but requested to be
    exported. Will skip this feature type. WARNING: No attribute table
    found -> using only category numbers as attributes
    Exporting 0
    features... WARNING: Output layer is empty, no features written
    v.out.ogr complete. 0 features (Line String type) written to
    (ESRI_Shapefile format).
    C:OSGEO4~1bin>exit Execution of

    finished. Cleaning up default sqlite database ... Cleaning up
    temporary files... Execution completed in 20.03 seconds Results:
    {'cut': , 'output':

    Loading resulting layers Algorithm '' finished





      When I try to use the tool in QGIS, the output datasets have a value of 0 for every feature in the flow column. almost every other tool works, such as and how do I get the tool to actually output the proper values? I have attached the log below.

      Processing algorithm… Algorithm '' starting… Input
      parameters: { 'GRASS_MIN_AREA_PARAMETER' : 0.0001,
      'arc_backward_column' : None, 'arc_column' : 'Shape_Leng', 'cut' :
      'F:/Work Stuff/SteinerTree/Steiner/Section 4/cut.shp', 'input' :
      'node_column' : None, 'output' : 'F:/Work
      Stuff/SteinerTree/Steiner/Section 4/flow.shp', 'points' : 'F:/Work
      Stuff/SteinerTree/Steiner/Section 5/Section5.shp', 'sink_cats' : '',
      'sink_where' : 'TYPE = 0', 'source_cats' : '', 'source_where' : 'TYPE
      = 1', 'threshold' : 50 }

      g.proj -c proj4="+proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=-76.5 +k=0.9999
      +x_0=304800 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs" min_area=0.0001 snap=-1.0 input="F:Work StuffSteinerTreeSteinerNETWORK3TRY.shp" layer="NETWORK3TRY"
      output="vector_5c906e50cfc9823" --overwrite -o
      min_area=0.0001 snap=-1.0 input="F:Work
      StuffSteinerTreeSteinerSection 5Section5.shp"
      output="vector_5c906e50cfc9824" --overwrite -o g.region
      n=5027309.435160724 s=5024626.0554929385 e=363198.1515355515
      w=360651.9582503296 -s input=vector_5c906e50cfc9823
      points=vector_5c906e50cfc9824 output=net5c906e50d046625
      operation=connect threshold=50.0 v.db.connect -o
      map=net5c906e50d046625 table=vector_5c906e50cfc9824 layer=2
      input=net5c906e50d046625 source_where="TYPE = 1" sink_where="TYPE = 0"
      arc_column=Shape_Leng output=outpute1098a53ef12487c97f2a35692f70e87
      cut=cute1098a53ef12487c97f2a35692f70e87 --overwrite v.out.ogr
      type="line" input="outpute1098a53ef12487c97f2a35692f70e87"
      output="F:/Work Stuff/SteinerTree/Steiner/Section 4/flow.shp"
      format="ESRI_Shapefile" layer=1 -c --overwrite v.out.ogr type="line"
      input="cute1098a53ef12487c97f2a35692f70e87" output="F:/Work
      Stuff/SteinerTree/Steiner/Section 4/cut.shp" format="ESRI_Shapefile"
      layer=1 -c --overwrite Starting GRASS GIS... WARNING: Concurrent
      mapset locking is not supported on Windows Executing

      ... C:OSGEO4~1bin>chcp 1252 1>NUL C:OSGEO4~1bin>g.proj -c
      proj4="+proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=-76.5 +k=0.9999 +x_0=304800 +y_0=0
      +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs" Default region was updated to the new projection, but if you have multiple mapsets
      g.region -d should be run in each to update the region from the
      default Projection information updated C:OSGEO4~1bin>
      min_area=0.0001 snap=-1.0 input="F:Work
      StuffSteinerTreeSteinerNETWORK3TRY.shp" layer="NETWORK3TRY"
      output="vector_5c906e50cfc9823" --overwrite -o Over-riding projection
      check Check if OGR layer contains polygons...
      0..2..4..6..8..10..12..14..16..18..20..22..24..26..28..30..32..34..36..38..40..42..44..46..48..50..52..54..56..58..60..62..64..66..68..70..72..74..76..78..80..82..84..86..88..90..92..94..96..98..100 Creating attribute table for layer ... Column name
      renamed to Importing 8460 features (OGR layer )...
      ----------------------------------------------------- Building topology for vector map ...
      Registering primitives... C:OSGEO4~1bin> min_area=0.0001
      snap=-1.0 input="F:Work StuffSteinerTreeSteinerSection
      5Section5.shp" output="vector_5c906e50cfc9824" --overwrite -o
      Over-riding projection check Check if OGR layer contains
      0..2..4..6..8..10..12..14..16..18..20..22..24..26..28..30..32..34..36..38..40..42..44..46..48..50..52..54..56..58..60..62..64..66..68..70..72..74..76..78..80..82..84..86..88..90..92..94..96..98..100 Creating attribute table for layer ... Importing 888
      features (OGR layer )...
      ----------------------------------------------------- Building topology for vector map ...
      Registering primitives... C:OSGEO4~1bin>g.region n=5027309.435160724
      s=5024626.0554929385 e=363198.1515355515 w=360651.9582503296
      C:OSGEO4~1bin> -s input=vector_5c906e50cfc9823
      points=vector_5c906e50cfc9824 output=net5c906e50d046625
      operation=connect threshold=50.0 Copying features...
      2..5..8..11..14..17..20..23..26..29..32..35..38..41..44..47..50..53..56..59..62..65..68..71..74..77..80..83..86..89..92..95..98..100 Building topology for vector map ...
      Registering primitives... Copying attributes... Building topology for
      vector map ... Registering primitives... complete. 0 lines (network arcs) written to output.
      C:OSGEO4~1bin>v.db.connect -o map=net5c906e50d046625
      table=vector_5c906e50cfc9824 layer=2 The table
      is now part of vector map
      and may be deleted or overwritten by GRASS
      modules Select privileges were granted on the table
      C:OSGEO4~1bin> input=net5c906e50d046625 source_where="TYPE
      = 1" sink_where="TYPE = 0" arc_column=Shape_Leng output=outpute1098a53ef12487c97f2a35692f70e87
      cut=cute1098a53ef12487c97f2a35692f70e87 --overwrite Building graph...
      Registering arcs...
      1..3..5..7..9..11..13..15..17..19..21..23..25..27..29..31..33..35..37..39..41..43..45..47..49..51..53..55..57..59..61..63..65..67..69..71..73..75..77..79..81..83..85..87..89..91..93..95..97..99..100 Flattening the graph... Graph was built Writing the output...
      1..3..5..7..9..11..13..15..17..19..21..23..25..27..29..31..33..35..37..39..41..43..45..47..49..51..53..55..57..59..61..63..65..67..69..71..73..75..77..79..81..83..85..87..89..91..93..95..97..99..100 Building topology for vector map
      ... Registering
      primitives... Building topology for vector map
      ... Registering
      primitives... C:OSGEO4~1bin>v.out.ogr type="line"
      input="outpute1098a53ef12487c97f2a35692f70e87" output="F:/Work
      Stuff/SteinerTree/Steiner/Section 4/flow.shp" format="ESRI_Shapefile"
      layer=1 -c --overwrite WARNING: 888 points found, but not requested to
      be exported
      . Verify 'type' parameter. Exporting 8460 features...
      5..11..17..23..29..35..41..47..53..59..65..71..77..83..89..95..100 v.out.ogr complete. 8460 features (Line String type) written to
      (ESRI_Shapefile format).
      C:OSGEO4~1bin>v.out.ogr type="line"
      input="cute1098a53ef12487c97f2a35692f70e87" output="F:/Work
      Stuff/SteinerTree/Steiner/Section 4/cut.shp" format="ESRI_Shapefile"
      layer=1 -c --overwrite WARNING: No lines found, but requested to be
      exported. Will skip this feature type. WARNING: No attribute table
      found -> using only category numbers as attributes
      Exporting 0
      features... WARNING: Output layer is empty, no features written
      v.out.ogr complete. 0 features (Line String type) written to
      (ESRI_Shapefile format).
      C:OSGEO4~1bin>exit Execution of

      finished. Cleaning up default sqlite database ... Cleaning up
      temporary files... Execution completed in 20.03 seconds Results:
      {'cut': , 'output':

      Loading resulting layers Algorithm '' finished


      When I try to use the tool in QGIS, the output datasets have a value of 0 for every feature in the flow column. almost every other tool works, such as and how do I get the tool to actually output the proper values? I have attached the log below.

      Processing algorithm… Algorithm '' starting… Input
      parameters: { 'GRASS_MIN_AREA_PARAMETER' : 0.0001,
      'arc_backward_column' : None, 'arc_column' : 'Shape_Leng', 'cut' :
      'F:/Work Stuff/SteinerTree/Steiner/Section 4/cut.shp', 'input' :
      'node_column' : None, 'output' : 'F:/Work
      Stuff/SteinerTree/Steiner/Section 4/flow.shp', 'points' : 'F:/Work
      Stuff/SteinerTree/Steiner/Section 5/Section5.shp', 'sink_cats' : '',
      'sink_where' : 'TYPE = 0', 'source_cats' : '', 'source_where' : 'TYPE
      = 1', 'threshold' : 50 }

      g.proj -c proj4="+proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=-76.5 +k=0.9999
      +x_0=304800 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs" min_area=0.0001 snap=-1.0 input="F:Work StuffSteinerTreeSteinerNETWORK3TRY.shp" layer="NETWORK3TRY"
      output="vector_5c906e50cfc9823" --overwrite -o
      min_area=0.0001 snap=-1.0 input="F:Work
      StuffSteinerTreeSteinerSection 5Section5.shp"
      output="vector_5c906e50cfc9824" --overwrite -o g.region
      n=5027309.435160724 s=5024626.0554929385 e=363198.1515355515
      w=360651.9582503296 -s input=vector_5c906e50cfc9823
      points=vector_5c906e50cfc9824 output=net5c906e50d046625
      operation=connect threshold=50.0 v.db.connect -o
      map=net5c906e50d046625 table=vector_5c906e50cfc9824 layer=2
      input=net5c906e50d046625 source_where="TYPE = 1" sink_where="TYPE = 0"
      arc_column=Shape_Leng output=outpute1098a53ef12487c97f2a35692f70e87
      cut=cute1098a53ef12487c97f2a35692f70e87 --overwrite v.out.ogr
      type="line" input="outpute1098a53ef12487c97f2a35692f70e87"
      output="F:/Work Stuff/SteinerTree/Steiner/Section 4/flow.shp"
      format="ESRI_Shapefile" layer=1 -c --overwrite v.out.ogr type="line"
      input="cute1098a53ef12487c97f2a35692f70e87" output="F:/Work
      Stuff/SteinerTree/Steiner/Section 4/cut.shp" format="ESRI_Shapefile"
      layer=1 -c --overwrite Starting GRASS GIS... WARNING: Concurrent
      mapset locking is not supported on Windows Executing

      ... C:OSGEO4~1bin>chcp 1252 1>NUL C:OSGEO4~1bin>g.proj -c
      proj4="+proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=-76.5 +k=0.9999 +x_0=304800 +y_0=0
      +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs" Default region was updated to the new projection, but if you have multiple mapsets
      g.region -d should be run in each to update the region from the
      default Projection information updated C:OSGEO4~1bin>
      min_area=0.0001 snap=-1.0 input="F:Work
      StuffSteinerTreeSteinerNETWORK3TRY.shp" layer="NETWORK3TRY"
      output="vector_5c906e50cfc9823" --overwrite -o Over-riding projection
      check Check if OGR layer contains polygons...
      0..2..4..6..8..10..12..14..16..18..20..22..24..26..28..30..32..34..36..38..40..42..44..46..48..50..52..54..56..58..60..62..64..66..68..70..72..74..76..78..80..82..84..86..88..90..92..94..96..98..100 Creating attribute table for layer ... Column name
      renamed to Importing 8460 features (OGR layer )...
      ----------------------------------------------------- Building topology for vector map ...
      Registering primitives... C:OSGEO4~1bin> min_area=0.0001
      snap=-1.0 input="F:Work StuffSteinerTreeSteinerSection
      5Section5.shp" output="vector_5c906e50cfc9824" --overwrite -o
      Over-riding projection check Check if OGR layer contains
      0..2..4..6..8..10..12..14..16..18..20..22..24..26..28..30..32..34..36..38..40..42..44..46..48..50..52..54..56..58..60..62..64..66..68..70..72..74..76..78..80..82..84..86..88..90..92..94..96..98..100 Creating attribute table for layer ... Importing 888
      features (OGR layer )...
      ----------------------------------------------------- Building topology for vector map ...
      Registering primitives... C:OSGEO4~1bin>g.region n=5027309.435160724
      s=5024626.0554929385 e=363198.1515355515 w=360651.9582503296
      C:OSGEO4~1bin> -s input=vector_5c906e50cfc9823
      points=vector_5c906e50cfc9824 output=net5c906e50d046625
      operation=connect threshold=50.0 Copying features...
      2..5..8..11..14..17..20..23..26..29..32..35..38..41..44..47..50..53..56..59..62..65..68..71..74..77..80..83..86..89..92..95..98..100 Building topology for vector map ...
      Registering primitives... Copying attributes... Building topology for
      vector map ... Registering primitives... complete. 0 lines (network arcs) written to output.
      C:OSGEO4~1bin>v.db.connect -o map=net5c906e50d046625
      table=vector_5c906e50cfc9824 layer=2 The table
      is now part of vector map
      and may be deleted or overwritten by GRASS
      modules Select privileges were granted on the table
      C:OSGEO4~1bin> input=net5c906e50d046625 source_where="TYPE
      = 1" sink_where="TYPE = 0" arc_column=Shape_Leng output=outpute1098a53ef12487c97f2a35692f70e87
      cut=cute1098a53ef12487c97f2a35692f70e87 --overwrite Building graph...
      Registering arcs...
      1..3..5..7..9..11..13..15..17..19..21..23..25..27..29..31..33..35..37..39..41..43..45..47..49..51..53..55..57..59..61..63..65..67..69..71..73..75..77..79..81..83..85..87..89..91..93..95..97..99..100 Flattening the graph... Graph was built Writing the output...
      1..3..5..7..9..11..13..15..17..19..21..23..25..27..29..31..33..35..37..39..41..43..45..47..49..51..53..55..57..59..61..63..65..67..69..71..73..75..77..79..81..83..85..87..89..91..93..95..97..99..100 Building topology for vector map
      ... Registering
      primitives... Building topology for vector map
      ... Registering
      primitives... C:OSGEO4~1bin>v.out.ogr type="line"
      input="outpute1098a53ef12487c97f2a35692f70e87" output="F:/Work
      Stuff/SteinerTree/Steiner/Section 4/flow.shp" format="ESRI_Shapefile"
      layer=1 -c --overwrite WARNING: 888 points found, but not requested to
      be exported
      . Verify 'type' parameter. Exporting 8460 features...
      5..11..17..23..29..35..41..47..53..59..65..71..77..83..89..95..100 v.out.ogr complete. 8460 features (Line String type) written to
      (ESRI_Shapefile format).
      C:OSGEO4~1bin>v.out.ogr type="line"
      input="cute1098a53ef12487c97f2a35692f70e87" output="F:/Work
      Stuff/SteinerTree/Steiner/Section 4/cut.shp" format="ESRI_Shapefile"
      layer=1 -c --overwrite WARNING: No lines found, but requested to be
      exported. Will skip this feature type. WARNING: No attribute table
      found -> using only category numbers as attributes
      Exporting 0
      features... WARNING: Output layer is empty, no features written
      v.out.ogr complete. 0 features (Line String type) written to
      (ESRI_Shapefile format).
      C:OSGEO4~1bin>exit Execution of

      finished. Cleaning up default sqlite database ... Cleaning up
      temporary files... Execution completed in 20.03 seconds Results:
      {'cut': , 'output':

      Loading resulting layers Algorithm '' finished

      qgis grass network





      asked 1 min ago








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