Esri API JS, popup not displaying after first click Planned maintenance scheduled April 23,...

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Esri API JS, popup not displaying after first click

Planned maintenance scheduled April 23, 2019 at 23:30 UTC (7:30pm US/Eastern)
Announcing the arrival of Valued Associate #679: Cesar Manara
Unicorn Meta Zoo #1: Why another podcast?Basemap Gallery Error - ESRI JS APITrouble with accesing API code: “ReferenceError: esri is not defined”Redraw info window after centering map on click (ESRI Javascript API)Simulate a click event on FeatureLayer in ESRI JavaScript APIProject Point using ArcGIS API for JavaScript?ESRI JavaScript API FeatureLayer Click EventTabs in ESRI PopupPopup Not Displaying in ArcGIS API for JavaScript 3?How to prevent map click event esri map js API?

.everyoneloves__top-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__mid-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__bot-mid-leaderboard:empty{ margin-bottom:0;


Demographics data shows upon first click but not after, park information does work. I've changed around almost everything with non real solution. I feel like for whatever reason my feature server data is preferred over the dynamiclayer in the map. Is there a way to make the js bounce based on where you click?

    var map;

function (
esriConfig, InfoTemplate, Map, Popup, PopupTemplate, Extent, ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer, FeatureLayer,
ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer, SimpleFillSymbol, SimpleLineSymbol,
GeometryService, Query, domConstruct, domClass, parser, Color, lang, locale, Geocoder, LocateButton
) {


var popup = new Popup({
fillSymbol: new SimpleFillSymbol(SimpleFillSymbol.STYLE_SOLID,
new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbol.STYLE_SOLID,
new Color([0, 0, 0]), 2), new Color([128, 128, 128, 0.25]))
}, domConstruct.create("div"));

domClass.add(popup.domNode, "myTheme");

map = new Map("map", {
basemap: "topo",
center: [-122.402, 47],
zoom: 9,
infoWindow: popup

var geocoder = new Geocoder({
arcgisGeocoder: {
placeholder: "Search "
map: map
}, "ui-esri-dijit-geocoder");

var _countyCensusInfoTemplate = new InfoTemplate();
_countyCensusInfoTemplate.setTitle("<b>Census Information</b>");

var _blockGroupInfoTemplate = new InfoTemplate();
_blockGroupInfoTemplate.setTitle("<b>Census Information</b>");

var _censusInfoContent =
"<div class="demographicInfoContent">" +
"<div class='demographicNumericPadding'>${AGE_5_17:formatNumber}</div><div class="demographicInnerSpacing"></div>people ages 5 - 17<br>" +
"<div class='demographicNumericPadding'>${AGE_18_21:formatNumber}</div><div class="demographicInnerSpacing"></div>people ages 18 - 21<br>" +
"<div class='demographicNumericPadding'>${AGE_22_29:formatNumber}</div><div class="demographicInnerSpacing"></div>people ages 22 - 29<br>" +
"<div class='demographicNumericPadding'>${AGE_30_39:formatNumber}</div><div class="demographicInnerSpacing"></div>people ages 30 - 39<br>" +
"<div class='demographicNumericPadding'>${AGE_40_49:formatNumber}</div><div class="demographicInnerSpacing"></div>people ages 40 - 49<br>" +
"<div class='demographicNumericPadding'>${AGE_50_64:formatNumber}</div><div class="demographicInnerSpacing"></div>people ages 50 - 64<br>" +
"<div class='demographicNumericPadding'>${AGE_65_UP:formatNumber}</div><div class="demographicInnerSpacing"></div>people ages 65 and older" +

_countyCensusInfoTemplate.setContent("Demographics for:<br>${NAME} ${STATE_NAME:getCounty}, ${STATE_NAME}<br>" + _censusInfoContent);
_blockGroupInfoTemplate.setContent("Demographics for:<br>Tract: ${TRACT:formatNumber} Blockgroup: ${BLKGRP}<br>" + _censusInfoContent);

var demographicsLayerURL = "";
var demographicsLayerOptions = {
"id": "demographicsLayer",
"opacity": 0.8,
"showAttribution": false

var demographicsLayer = new ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer(demographicsLayerURL, demographicsLayerOptions);
1: { infoTemplate: _blockGroupInfoTemplate },
2: { infoTemplate: _countyCensusInfoTemplate }
demographicsLayer.setVisibleLayers([1, 2]);


var geoLocate = new LocateButton({
map: map,
highlightLocation: false
}, "LocateButton"

var formatNumber = function(value, key, data) {
var searchText = "" + value;
var formattedString = searchText.replace(/(d)(?=(ddd)+(?!d))/gm, "$1,");
return formattedString;

var getCounty = function(value, key, data) {
if (value.toUpperCase() !== "LOUISIANA") {
return "County";
} else {
return "Parish";

map.on("click", function (event) {
var query = new Query();
query.geometry = pointToExtent(map, event.mapPoint, 10);
var deferred = featureLayer.selectFeatures(query,

var template = new InfoTemplate();
template.setTitle("Park Information");

var featureLayer = new FeatureLayer("",
outFields: ["*"],
infoTemplate: template


function getTextContent (graphic) {
var attributes = graphic.attributes;
var namepark =
.replace('"', "")
.map(function (name) {
return lang.trim(name);

var parkdata = namepark[0];
var commonName = namepark[1];
var parks;

if (commonName) {
parks = "<b>" + commonName + "</b><br/>" +
"<i>" + parkdata + "</i>";
else {
parks = "<i>" + parkdata + "</i>";

return parks + "<br>" +
attributes.Owner + "<br>" +

function pointToExtent (map, point, toleranceInPixel) {
var pixelWidth = map.extent.getWidth() / map.width;
var toleranceInMapCoords = toleranceInPixel * pixelWidth;
return new Extent(point.x - toleranceInMapCoords,
point.y - toleranceInMapCoords,
point.x + toleranceInMapCoords,
point.y + toleranceInMapCoords,


<body class="claro">
<div id="map">
<div id="LocateButton"></div>
<div id="ui-esri-dijit-geocoder"></div>


link to is

share|improve this question

  • Cross-posted from…

    – PolyGeo
    Dec 8 '15 at 0:06

  • 1

    Welcome to GIS SE! As a new user be sure to take the Tour. For some ideas on how to structure a question to attract potential answerers I recommend reviewing

    – PolyGeo
    Dec 8 '15 at 0:10

  • 2. Using htmlPrettify you will see that your code isn't able to format properly, that's how I found the extra closures in there. 3. Yes name the popups differently, but you cannot change the class name! ie "var popup1 = new Popup()" - where Popup() is the class name. You can differentiate the variable name (you must in fact) ie "var parkPopup" vs "var blockPopup" but you must leave " = new Popup()" as is - that is the class.

    – Tom
    Dec 8 '15 at 15:52

  • Ok the map is rendering but the demographics info only comes up on the first click. I assume this relates to your comment "Make the div first with dojo attach point?" but I'm not sure what you mean.

    – Staley
    Dec 8 '15 at 17:44

  • This is my latest point of I can't get the demographics info to show after the first click, if you click the parks first demographics doesn't come up at all.

    – Staley
    Dec 8 '15 at 19:09


Demographics data shows upon first click but not after, park information does work. I've changed around almost everything with non real solution. I feel like for whatever reason my feature server data is preferred over the dynamiclayer in the map. Is there a way to make the js bounce based on where you click?

    var map;

function (
esriConfig, InfoTemplate, Map, Popup, PopupTemplate, Extent, ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer, FeatureLayer,
ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer, SimpleFillSymbol, SimpleLineSymbol,
GeometryService, Query, domConstruct, domClass, parser, Color, lang, locale, Geocoder, LocateButton
) {


var popup = new Popup({
fillSymbol: new SimpleFillSymbol(SimpleFillSymbol.STYLE_SOLID,
new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbol.STYLE_SOLID,
new Color([0, 0, 0]), 2), new Color([128, 128, 128, 0.25]))
}, domConstruct.create("div"));

domClass.add(popup.domNode, "myTheme");

map = new Map("map", {
basemap: "topo",
center: [-122.402, 47],
zoom: 9,
infoWindow: popup

var geocoder = new Geocoder({
arcgisGeocoder: {
placeholder: "Search "
map: map
}, "ui-esri-dijit-geocoder");

var _countyCensusInfoTemplate = new InfoTemplate();
_countyCensusInfoTemplate.setTitle("<b>Census Information</b>");

var _blockGroupInfoTemplate = new InfoTemplate();
_blockGroupInfoTemplate.setTitle("<b>Census Information</b>");

var _censusInfoContent =
"<div class="demographicInfoContent">" +
"<div class='demographicNumericPadding'>${AGE_5_17:formatNumber}</div><div class="demographicInnerSpacing"></div>people ages 5 - 17<br>" +
"<div class='demographicNumericPadding'>${AGE_18_21:formatNumber}</div><div class="demographicInnerSpacing"></div>people ages 18 - 21<br>" +
"<div class='demographicNumericPadding'>${AGE_22_29:formatNumber}</div><div class="demographicInnerSpacing"></div>people ages 22 - 29<br>" +
"<div class='demographicNumericPadding'>${AGE_30_39:formatNumber}</div><div class="demographicInnerSpacing"></div>people ages 30 - 39<br>" +
"<div class='demographicNumericPadding'>${AGE_40_49:formatNumber}</div><div class="demographicInnerSpacing"></div>people ages 40 - 49<br>" +
"<div class='demographicNumericPadding'>${AGE_50_64:formatNumber}</div><div class="demographicInnerSpacing"></div>people ages 50 - 64<br>" +
"<div class='demographicNumericPadding'>${AGE_65_UP:formatNumber}</div><div class="demographicInnerSpacing"></div>people ages 65 and older" +

_countyCensusInfoTemplate.setContent("Demographics for:<br>${NAME} ${STATE_NAME:getCounty}, ${STATE_NAME}<br>" + _censusInfoContent);
_blockGroupInfoTemplate.setContent("Demographics for:<br>Tract: ${TRACT:formatNumber} Blockgroup: ${BLKGRP}<br>" + _censusInfoContent);

var demographicsLayerURL = "";
var demographicsLayerOptions = {
"id": "demographicsLayer",
"opacity": 0.8,
"showAttribution": false

var demographicsLayer = new ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer(demographicsLayerURL, demographicsLayerOptions);
1: { infoTemplate: _blockGroupInfoTemplate },
2: { infoTemplate: _countyCensusInfoTemplate }
demographicsLayer.setVisibleLayers([1, 2]);


var geoLocate = new LocateButton({
map: map,
highlightLocation: false
}, "LocateButton"

var formatNumber = function(value, key, data) {
var searchText = "" + value;
var formattedString = searchText.replace(/(d)(?=(ddd)+(?!d))/gm, "$1,");
return formattedString;

var getCounty = function(value, key, data) {
if (value.toUpperCase() !== "LOUISIANA") {
return "County";
} else {
return "Parish";

map.on("click", function (event) {
var query = new Query();
query.geometry = pointToExtent(map, event.mapPoint, 10);
var deferred = featureLayer.selectFeatures(query,

var template = new InfoTemplate();
template.setTitle("Park Information");

var featureLayer = new FeatureLayer("",
outFields: ["*"],
infoTemplate: template


function getTextContent (graphic) {
var attributes = graphic.attributes;
var namepark =
.replace('"', "")
.map(function (name) {
return lang.trim(name);

var parkdata = namepark[0];
var commonName = namepark[1];
var parks;

if (commonName) {
parks = "<b>" + commonName + "</b><br/>" +
"<i>" + parkdata + "</i>";
else {
parks = "<i>" + parkdata + "</i>";

return parks + "<br>" +
attributes.Owner + "<br>" +

function pointToExtent (map, point, toleranceInPixel) {
var pixelWidth = map.extent.getWidth() / map.width;
var toleranceInMapCoords = toleranceInPixel * pixelWidth;
return new Extent(point.x - toleranceInMapCoords,
point.y - toleranceInMapCoords,
point.x + toleranceInMapCoords,
point.y + toleranceInMapCoords,


<body class="claro">
<div id="map">
<div id="LocateButton"></div>
<div id="ui-esri-dijit-geocoder"></div>


link to is

share|improve this question

  • Cross-posted from…

    – PolyGeo
    Dec 8 '15 at 0:06

  • 1

    Welcome to GIS SE! As a new user be sure to take the Tour. For some ideas on how to structure a question to attract potential answerers I recommend reviewing

    – PolyGeo
    Dec 8 '15 at 0:10

  • 2. Using htmlPrettify you will see that your code isn't able to format properly, that's how I found the extra closures in there. 3. Yes name the popups differently, but you cannot change the class name! ie "var popup1 = new Popup()" - where Popup() is the class name. You can differentiate the variable name (you must in fact) ie "var parkPopup" vs "var blockPopup" but you must leave " = new Popup()" as is - that is the class.

    – Tom
    Dec 8 '15 at 15:52

  • Ok the map is rendering but the demographics info only comes up on the first click. I assume this relates to your comment "Make the div first with dojo attach point?" but I'm not sure what you mean.

    – Staley
    Dec 8 '15 at 17:44

  • This is my latest point of I can't get the demographics info to show after the first click, if you click the parks first demographics doesn't come up at all.

    – Staley
    Dec 8 '15 at 19:09





Demographics data shows upon first click but not after, park information does work. I've changed around almost everything with non real solution. I feel like for whatever reason my feature server data is preferred over the dynamiclayer in the map. Is there a way to make the js bounce based on where you click?

    var map;

function (
esriConfig, InfoTemplate, Map, Popup, PopupTemplate, Extent, ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer, FeatureLayer,
ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer, SimpleFillSymbol, SimpleLineSymbol,
GeometryService, Query, domConstruct, domClass, parser, Color, lang, locale, Geocoder, LocateButton
) {


var popup = new Popup({
fillSymbol: new SimpleFillSymbol(SimpleFillSymbol.STYLE_SOLID,
new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbol.STYLE_SOLID,
new Color([0, 0, 0]), 2), new Color([128, 128, 128, 0.25]))
}, domConstruct.create("div"));

domClass.add(popup.domNode, "myTheme");

map = new Map("map", {
basemap: "topo",
center: [-122.402, 47],
zoom: 9,
infoWindow: popup

var geocoder = new Geocoder({
arcgisGeocoder: {
placeholder: "Search "
map: map
}, "ui-esri-dijit-geocoder");

var _countyCensusInfoTemplate = new InfoTemplate();
_countyCensusInfoTemplate.setTitle("<b>Census Information</b>");

var _blockGroupInfoTemplate = new InfoTemplate();
_blockGroupInfoTemplate.setTitle("<b>Census Information</b>");

var _censusInfoContent =
"<div class="demographicInfoContent">" +
"<div class='demographicNumericPadding'>${AGE_5_17:formatNumber}</div><div class="demographicInnerSpacing"></div>people ages 5 - 17<br>" +
"<div class='demographicNumericPadding'>${AGE_18_21:formatNumber}</div><div class="demographicInnerSpacing"></div>people ages 18 - 21<br>" +
"<div class='demographicNumericPadding'>${AGE_22_29:formatNumber}</div><div class="demographicInnerSpacing"></div>people ages 22 - 29<br>" +
"<div class='demographicNumericPadding'>${AGE_30_39:formatNumber}</div><div class="demographicInnerSpacing"></div>people ages 30 - 39<br>" +
"<div class='demographicNumericPadding'>${AGE_40_49:formatNumber}</div><div class="demographicInnerSpacing"></div>people ages 40 - 49<br>" +
"<div class='demographicNumericPadding'>${AGE_50_64:formatNumber}</div><div class="demographicInnerSpacing"></div>people ages 50 - 64<br>" +
"<div class='demographicNumericPadding'>${AGE_65_UP:formatNumber}</div><div class="demographicInnerSpacing"></div>people ages 65 and older" +

_countyCensusInfoTemplate.setContent("Demographics for:<br>${NAME} ${STATE_NAME:getCounty}, ${STATE_NAME}<br>" + _censusInfoContent);
_blockGroupInfoTemplate.setContent("Demographics for:<br>Tract: ${TRACT:formatNumber} Blockgroup: ${BLKGRP}<br>" + _censusInfoContent);

var demographicsLayerURL = "";
var demographicsLayerOptions = {
"id": "demographicsLayer",
"opacity": 0.8,
"showAttribution": false

var demographicsLayer = new ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer(demographicsLayerURL, demographicsLayerOptions);
1: { infoTemplate: _blockGroupInfoTemplate },
2: { infoTemplate: _countyCensusInfoTemplate }
demographicsLayer.setVisibleLayers([1, 2]);


var geoLocate = new LocateButton({
map: map,
highlightLocation: false
}, "LocateButton"

var formatNumber = function(value, key, data) {
var searchText = "" + value;
var formattedString = searchText.replace(/(d)(?=(ddd)+(?!d))/gm, "$1,");
return formattedString;

var getCounty = function(value, key, data) {
if (value.toUpperCase() !== "LOUISIANA") {
return "County";
} else {
return "Parish";

map.on("click", function (event) {
var query = new Query();
query.geometry = pointToExtent(map, event.mapPoint, 10);
var deferred = featureLayer.selectFeatures(query,

var template = new InfoTemplate();
template.setTitle("Park Information");

var featureLayer = new FeatureLayer("",
outFields: ["*"],
infoTemplate: template


function getTextContent (graphic) {
var attributes = graphic.attributes;
var namepark =
.replace('"', "")
.map(function (name) {
return lang.trim(name);

var parkdata = namepark[0];
var commonName = namepark[1];
var parks;

if (commonName) {
parks = "<b>" + commonName + "</b><br/>" +
"<i>" + parkdata + "</i>";
else {
parks = "<i>" + parkdata + "</i>";

return parks + "<br>" +
attributes.Owner + "<br>" +

function pointToExtent (map, point, toleranceInPixel) {
var pixelWidth = map.extent.getWidth() / map.width;
var toleranceInMapCoords = toleranceInPixel * pixelWidth;
return new Extent(point.x - toleranceInMapCoords,
point.y - toleranceInMapCoords,
point.x + toleranceInMapCoords,
point.y + toleranceInMapCoords,


<body class="claro">
<div id="map">
<div id="LocateButton"></div>
<div id="ui-esri-dijit-geocoder"></div>


link to is

share|improve this question

Demographics data shows upon first click but not after, park information does work. I've changed around almost everything with non real solution. I feel like for whatever reason my feature server data is preferred over the dynamiclayer in the map. Is there a way to make the js bounce based on where you click?

    var map;

function (
esriConfig, InfoTemplate, Map, Popup, PopupTemplate, Extent, ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer, FeatureLayer,
ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer, SimpleFillSymbol, SimpleLineSymbol,
GeometryService, Query, domConstruct, domClass, parser, Color, lang, locale, Geocoder, LocateButton
) {


var popup = new Popup({
fillSymbol: new SimpleFillSymbol(SimpleFillSymbol.STYLE_SOLID,
new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbol.STYLE_SOLID,
new Color([0, 0, 0]), 2), new Color([128, 128, 128, 0.25]))
}, domConstruct.create("div"));

domClass.add(popup.domNode, "myTheme");

map = new Map("map", {
basemap: "topo",
center: [-122.402, 47],
zoom: 9,
infoWindow: popup

var geocoder = new Geocoder({
arcgisGeocoder: {
placeholder: "Search "
map: map
}, "ui-esri-dijit-geocoder");

var _countyCensusInfoTemplate = new InfoTemplate();
_countyCensusInfoTemplate.setTitle("<b>Census Information</b>");

var _blockGroupInfoTemplate = new InfoTemplate();
_blockGroupInfoTemplate.setTitle("<b>Census Information</b>");

var _censusInfoContent =
"<div class="demographicInfoContent">" +
"<div class='demographicNumericPadding'>${AGE_5_17:formatNumber}</div><div class="demographicInnerSpacing"></div>people ages 5 - 17<br>" +
"<div class='demographicNumericPadding'>${AGE_18_21:formatNumber}</div><div class="demographicInnerSpacing"></div>people ages 18 - 21<br>" +
"<div class='demographicNumericPadding'>${AGE_22_29:formatNumber}</div><div class="demographicInnerSpacing"></div>people ages 22 - 29<br>" +
"<div class='demographicNumericPadding'>${AGE_30_39:formatNumber}</div><div class="demographicInnerSpacing"></div>people ages 30 - 39<br>" +
"<div class='demographicNumericPadding'>${AGE_40_49:formatNumber}</div><div class="demographicInnerSpacing"></div>people ages 40 - 49<br>" +
"<div class='demographicNumericPadding'>${AGE_50_64:formatNumber}</div><div class="demographicInnerSpacing"></div>people ages 50 - 64<br>" +
"<div class='demographicNumericPadding'>${AGE_65_UP:formatNumber}</div><div class="demographicInnerSpacing"></div>people ages 65 and older" +

_countyCensusInfoTemplate.setContent("Demographics for:<br>${NAME} ${STATE_NAME:getCounty}, ${STATE_NAME}<br>" + _censusInfoContent);
_blockGroupInfoTemplate.setContent("Demographics for:<br>Tract: ${TRACT:formatNumber} Blockgroup: ${BLKGRP}<br>" + _censusInfoContent);

var demographicsLayerURL = "";
var demographicsLayerOptions = {
"id": "demographicsLayer",
"opacity": 0.8,
"showAttribution": false

var demographicsLayer = new ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer(demographicsLayerURL, demographicsLayerOptions);
1: { infoTemplate: _blockGroupInfoTemplate },
2: { infoTemplate: _countyCensusInfoTemplate }
demographicsLayer.setVisibleLayers([1, 2]);


var geoLocate = new LocateButton({
map: map,
highlightLocation: false
}, "LocateButton"

var formatNumber = function(value, key, data) {
var searchText = "" + value;
var formattedString = searchText.replace(/(d)(?=(ddd)+(?!d))/gm, "$1,");
return formattedString;

var getCounty = function(value, key, data) {
if (value.toUpperCase() !== "LOUISIANA") {
return "County";
} else {
return "Parish";

map.on("click", function (event) {
var query = new Query();
query.geometry = pointToExtent(map, event.mapPoint, 10);
var deferred = featureLayer.selectFeatures(query,

var template = new InfoTemplate();
template.setTitle("Park Information");

var featureLayer = new FeatureLayer("",
outFields: ["*"],
infoTemplate: template


function getTextContent (graphic) {
var attributes = graphic.attributes;
var namepark =
.replace('"', "")
.map(function (name) {
return lang.trim(name);

var parkdata = namepark[0];
var commonName = namepark[1];
var parks;

if (commonName) {
parks = "<b>" + commonName + "</b><br/>" +
"<i>" + parkdata + "</i>";
else {
parks = "<i>" + parkdata + "</i>";

return parks + "<br>" +
attributes.Owner + "<br>" +

function pointToExtent (map, point, toleranceInPixel) {
var pixelWidth = map.extent.getWidth() / map.width;
var toleranceInMapCoords = toleranceInPixel * pixelWidth;
return new Extent(point.x - toleranceInMapCoords,
point.y - toleranceInMapCoords,
point.x + toleranceInMapCoords,
point.y + toleranceInMapCoords,


<body class="claro">
<div id="map">
<div id="LocateButton"></div>
<div id="ui-esri-dijit-geocoder"></div>


link to is

arcgis-javascript-api dojo

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

edited Dec 12 '15 at 3:50




asked Dec 9 '15 at 3:31




  • Cross-posted from…

    – PolyGeo
    Dec 8 '15 at 0:06

  • 1

    Welcome to GIS SE! As a new user be sure to take the Tour. For some ideas on how to structure a question to attract potential answerers I recommend reviewing

    – PolyGeo
    Dec 8 '15 at 0:10

  • 2. Using htmlPrettify you will see that your code isn't able to format properly, that's how I found the extra closures in there. 3. Yes name the popups differently, but you cannot change the class name! ie "var popup1 = new Popup()" - where Popup() is the class name. You can differentiate the variable name (you must in fact) ie "var parkPopup" vs "var blockPopup" but you must leave " = new Popup()" as is - that is the class.

    – Tom
    Dec 8 '15 at 15:52

  • Ok the map is rendering but the demographics info only comes up on the first click. I assume this relates to your comment "Make the div first with dojo attach point?" but I'm not sure what you mean.

    – Staley
    Dec 8 '15 at 17:44

  • This is my latest point of I can't get the demographics info to show after the first click, if you click the parks first demographics doesn't come up at all.

    – Staley
    Dec 8 '15 at 19:09

  • Cross-posted from…

    – PolyGeo
    Dec 8 '15 at 0:06

  • 1

    Welcome to GIS SE! As a new user be sure to take the Tour. For some ideas on how to structure a question to attract potential answerers I recommend reviewing

    – PolyGeo
    Dec 8 '15 at 0:10

  • 2. Using htmlPrettify you will see that your code isn't able to format properly, that's how I found the extra closures in there. 3. Yes name the popups differently, but you cannot change the class name! ie "var popup1 = new Popup()" - where Popup() is the class name. You can differentiate the variable name (you must in fact) ie "var parkPopup" vs "var blockPopup" but you must leave " = new Popup()" as is - that is the class.

    – Tom
    Dec 8 '15 at 15:52

  • Ok the map is rendering but the demographics info only comes up on the first click. I assume this relates to your comment "Make the div first with dojo attach point?" but I'm not sure what you mean.

    – Staley
    Dec 8 '15 at 17:44

  • This is my latest point of I can't get the demographics info to show after the first click, if you click the parks first demographics doesn't come up at all.

    – Staley
    Dec 8 '15 at 19:09

Cross-posted from…

– PolyGeo
Dec 8 '15 at 0:06

Cross-posted from…

– PolyGeo
Dec 8 '15 at 0:06



Welcome to GIS SE! As a new user be sure to take the Tour. For some ideas on how to structure a question to attract potential answerers I recommend reviewing

– PolyGeo
Dec 8 '15 at 0:10

Welcome to GIS SE! As a new user be sure to take the Tour. For some ideas on how to structure a question to attract potential answerers I recommend reviewing

– PolyGeo
Dec 8 '15 at 0:10

2. Using htmlPrettify you will see that your code isn't able to format properly, that's how I found the extra closures in there. 3. Yes name the popups differently, but you cannot change the class name! ie "var popup1 = new Popup()" - where Popup() is the class name. You can differentiate the variable name (you must in fact) ie "var parkPopup" vs "var blockPopup" but you must leave " = new Popup()" as is - that is the class.

– Tom
Dec 8 '15 at 15:52

2. Using htmlPrettify you will see that your code isn't able to format properly, that's how I found the extra closures in there. 3. Yes name the popups differently, but you cannot change the class name! ie "var popup1 = new Popup()" - where Popup() is the class name. You can differentiate the variable name (you must in fact) ie "var parkPopup" vs "var blockPopup" but you must leave " = new Popup()" as is - that is the class.

– Tom
Dec 8 '15 at 15:52

Ok the map is rendering but the demographics info only comes up on the first click. I assume this relates to your comment "Make the div first with dojo attach point?" but I'm not sure what you mean.

– Staley
Dec 8 '15 at 17:44

Ok the map is rendering but the demographics info only comes up on the first click. I assume this relates to your comment "Make the div first with dojo attach point?" but I'm not sure what you mean.

– Staley
Dec 8 '15 at 17:44

This is my latest point of I can't get the demographics info to show after the first click, if you click the parks first demographics doesn't come up at all.

– Staley
Dec 8 '15 at 19:09

This is my latest point of I can't get the demographics info to show after the first click, if you click the parks first demographics doesn't come up at all.

– Staley
Dec 8 '15 at 19:09

1 Answer





I started removing pieces and found a piece that I didn't completely understand what it was doing and pulled it out.

map.on("click", function (event) {
var query = new Query();
query.geometry = pointToExtent(map, event.mapPoint, 10);
var deferred = featureLayer.selectFeatures(query,

Upon doing this the map now is completely operational!

Also I took the advice to add the URL to the park info, got that added in as well, although I did remove the "getTextContent" piece out of it to get it to render properly but it works quite well. I also added another piece to open the link in a new tab.

share|improve this answer

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    1 Answer











    I started removing pieces and found a piece that I didn't completely understand what it was doing and pulled it out.

    map.on("click", function (event) {
    var query = new Query();
    query.geometry = pointToExtent(map, event.mapPoint, 10);
    var deferred = featureLayer.selectFeatures(query,

    Upon doing this the map now is completely operational!

    Also I took the advice to add the URL to the park info, got that added in as well, although I did remove the "getTextContent" piece out of it to get it to render properly but it works quite well. I also added another piece to open the link in a new tab.

    share|improve this answer


      I started removing pieces and found a piece that I didn't completely understand what it was doing and pulled it out.

      map.on("click", function (event) {
      var query = new Query();
      query.geometry = pointToExtent(map, event.mapPoint, 10);
      var deferred = featureLayer.selectFeatures(query,

      Upon doing this the map now is completely operational!

      Also I took the advice to add the URL to the park info, got that added in as well, although I did remove the "getTextContent" piece out of it to get it to render properly but it works quite well. I also added another piece to open the link in a new tab.

      share|improve this answer




        I started removing pieces and found a piece that I didn't completely understand what it was doing and pulled it out.

        map.on("click", function (event) {
        var query = new Query();
        query.geometry = pointToExtent(map, event.mapPoint, 10);
        var deferred = featureLayer.selectFeatures(query,

        Upon doing this the map now is completely operational!

        Also I took the advice to add the URL to the park info, got that added in as well, although I did remove the "getTextContent" piece out of it to get it to render properly but it works quite well. I also added another piece to open the link in a new tab.

        share|improve this answer

        I started removing pieces and found a piece that I didn't completely understand what it was doing and pulled it out.

        map.on("click", function (event) {
        var query = new Query();
        query.geometry = pointToExtent(map, event.mapPoint, 10);
        var deferred = featureLayer.selectFeatures(query,

        Upon doing this the map now is completely operational!

        Also I took the advice to add the URL to the park info, got that added in as well, although I did remove the "getTextContent" piece out of it to get it to render properly but it works quite well. I also added another piece to open the link in a new tab.

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        edited Feb 6 '16 at 23:49




        answered Dec 10 '15 at 4:08




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