How to save marker and polyline in database?How to add polygon in MySQL databaseReference materials for...

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How to save marker and polyline in database?

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I want to store marker and polyline in the database

In this script, I have 3 functions, that is to draw a polyline, marker and the point of destination

Can anyone fix my script below ?

var map;
var __global_node_now = 'null';
var __global_node = false;
var __global_line = false;
var __global_destination = false;
var __global_destination_now = 'null';
var __global_load_json = false;
var __global_arr_node = new Array();
var __global_first_line = 0;

function add_node(){
var active_x = document.getElementById('add_nodex');
var active_y = document.getElementById('add_linex');
var active_z = document.getElementById('add_destinationx');
/* disable other tools */
__global_node = true;
__global_line = false;
__global_destination = false;

function add_line(){
var active_x = document.getElementById('add_nodex');
var active_y = document.getElementById('add_linex');
var active_z = document.getElementById('add_destinationx');
/* disable other tools */
__global_line = true;
__global_node = false;
__global_destination = false;

function add_destination(){
var active_x = document.getElementById('add_nodex');
var active_y = document.getElementById('add_linex');
var active_z = document.getElementById('add_destinationx');
/* disable other tools */
__global_destination = true;
__global_node = false;
__global_line = false;

function edit_destination_name(a, thiis){
var edit_destination = prompt("Edit destination", $(thiis).html());
console.log(window['marker_dest_' + a]);
// id marker_destintation
marker_destination = window['marker_dest_' + a];
// update event popup
// update destination_name by live
// update title marker
// remove previously event
google.maps.event.clearListeners(marker_destination, 'click');
// popup event
var content = "<span class='destination_name' onclick='edit_destination_name("" + a + "", this)'>" + edit_destination + "</span>";
var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow();
google.maps.event.addListener(marker_destination,'click', (function(marker_destination,content,infowindow){
return function() {

var poly;
var map;
var increase = 0;
function initialize() {
/* setup map */
var mapOptions = {
center: new google.maps.LatLng(-7.977022, 112.634151),
zoom: 15,
zoomControl: true,
streetViewControl: false,
mapTypeControl: false,
gestureHandling: 'greedy'
map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map-canvas'),
var trafficLayer = new google.maps.TrafficLayer();
/* setup polyline */
var polyOptions = {
geodesic: true,
strokeColor: 'rgb(20, 120, 218)',
strokeOpacity: 1.0,
strokeWeight: 2,
editable: true,
window['poly' + increase] = new google.maps.Polyline(polyOptions);
window['poly' + increase].setMap(map);

/* create marker and line by click */
google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'click', function(event)
/* if tools 'add destination' is active, create marker */
if( __global_destination == true ){
var key_destination = 0;
//__global_destination_now = 'a';
if( __global_destination_now == 'null' ){
__global_destination_now = 'a';
key_destination = 0;
__global_destination_now = String.fromCharCode( __global_destination_now.charCodeAt(0) + 1 );
key_destination += 1;
// nama destination
destination_name = "HAE";
window['infowindow'+key_destination] = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: '<div>'+ destination_name +'</div>'

// add marker destination
icons = '';
var location = event.latLng;
window['marker_dest_' + __global_destination_now] = new google.maps.Marker({
position: location,
map: map,
icon: icons,
draggable: true,
title: '' + __global_destination_now,

// id marker_destintation
var marker_destintation = window['marker_dest_' + __global_destination_now];

// popup event
var content = "<span class='destination_name' onclick='edit_destination_name("" + __global_destination_now + "", this)'>" + __global_destination_now + "</span>";
var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow();
google.maps.event.addListener(marker_destintation,'click', (function(marker_destintation,content,infowindow){
return function() {

/* if tools 'add node' is active, create marker */
if( __global_node == true ) {
var key_node = 0;
if( __global_node_now == 'null' ){
__global_node_now = 'a';
key_node = 0;
__global_node_now = String.fromCharCode( __global_node_now.charCodeAt(0) + 1 );
key_destination += 1;

/* draw a new marker */
var location = event.latLng;
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: location,
map: map,
title: '' + __global_node_now,

// popup event
var content_marker = "<div>" + __global_node_now + "</div>";
var infowindow_marker = new google.maps.InfoWindow();
google.maps.event.addListener(marker,'click', (function(marker,content_marker,infowindow_marker){
return function() {

/* Add listener to getting latLng marker
* using 'list object event' : {this.title, this.position}
google.maps.event.addListener(marker, "click", function (evt)
/* if tools 'add line' is active, create first polyline */
if( __global_line == true ){

/* first polyline */
var path = window['poly' + increase].getPath();

/* temporary for node start - finish for json
* example : 0-1 {"coordinates": [[123, 456], [321, 123]]}
if( __global_first_line == 0 )
temp_node1 = this.title;

/* jika meng-klik ke marker/node akhir dalam pembuatan polyline */
if( == && evt.latLng.lng() == event.latLng.lng() && __global_first_line == 1 ){
alert('node & line berhasil disambung!');
temp_node2 = this.title;
temp_node_fix = temp_node1 + '-' + temp_node2;
/* adding id window['poly' + increase] */
increase += 1;
/* reset first polyline */
__global_first_line = 0;

/* reset polyline */
var polyOptions = {
geodesic: true,
strokeColor: 'rgb(20, 120, 218)',
strokeOpacity: 1.0,
strokeWeight: 2,
editable: true,
//draggable: true,
window['poly' + increase] = new google.maps.Polyline(polyOptions);
window['poly' + increase].setMap(map);
return false; // die()
__global_first_line = 1;
}); //end addListener
}else if( __global_line == true ){
if( __global_first_line == 1 ){
var path = window['poly' + increase].getPath();
alert('klik Node dulu!');
}); // end click map

function save_markerlinex(){
//return false;
var json_google_map = '';
for( i = 0; i < increase; i++ )
// val_latlng = window['poly' + i].getPath().j;
// length_latlng = window['poly' + i].getPath().j.length;
val_latlng = window['poly' + i].getPath().getArray(); // new
length_latlng = window['poly' + i].getPath().length; // new
var str2 = '';
var polylineLength = 0;
for( a = 0; a < length_latlng; a++ )
lat1 = val_latlng[a].lat();
lng2 = val_latlng[a].lng();

/* calculate distance polyline */
if ( a < (length_latlng - 1) ) {
next_lat1 = val_latlng[(a+1)].lat();
next_lng2 = val_latlng[(a+1)].lng();
var pointPath1 = new google.maps.LatLng(lat1, lng2);
var pointPath2 = new google.maps.LatLng(next_lat1, next_lng2);
polylineLength += google.maps.geometry.spherical.computeDistanceBetween(pointPath1, pointPath2);
bracket_latlng = '[' + lat1 + ', ' + lng2 + ']';
console.log("bracket : " + bracket_latlng);
if( a == (length_latlng - 1) ){ // end
str2 += bracket_latlng;
str2 += bracket_latlng + ',';
nodes_info = __global_arr_node[i];
create_json = '{"nodes": ["' + nodes_info + '"], "coordinates": [' + str2 + '], "distance_metres": [' + polylineLength + ']}';
//console.log("str2 : " + str2);
/* reverse coordinates */
str3_reverse = '[' + str2 + ']';
str3_reverse_p = JSON.parse(str3_reverse);
str3 = '';
for( u = (str3_reverse_p.length - 1); u >= 0; u-- )
// rev = reverse
latlng_rev = str3_reverse_p[u];
bracket_latlng_rev = '[' + latlng_rev + ']';
if( u == 0 ){ // end
str3 += bracket_latlng_rev;
str3 += bracket_latlng_rev + ',';
explode = nodes_info.split('-');
nodes_info_rev = explode[1] + '-' + explode[0];
create_json_rev = '{"nodes": ["' + nodes_info_rev + '"], "coordinates": [' + str3 + '], "distance_metres": [' + polylineLength + ']}';
if( i == ( increase - 1 ) )
pemisah = 'nn=====================================nn';
pemisah = 'nn-------------------------------------nn';
json_google_map += create_json + 'nn' + create_json_rev + pemisah;

// list marker destination
if( __global_destination_now != 'null' ){
number_dest = ( __global_destination_now.charCodeAt(0) - 97 );
str4 = '';
coord_dest = '';
for( y = 0; y <= number_dest; y++ ){
var chr = String.fromCharCode(97 + y);
var title_live = window['marker_dest_' + chr].getTitle();
console.log(window['marker_dest_' + chr].position);
latsx = window['marker_dest_' + chr];
lngsx = window['marker_dest_' + chr].position.lng();
if( y == number_dest ) // end
comma = '';
comma = ',';
coord_dest += '{"' + title_live + '": "' + latsx + ', ' + lngsx + '"}' + comma;
str4 = '{"destination": [' + coord_dest + ']}';
json_google_map += str4;
//document.getElementById('txt').innerHTML = json_google_map;
rute_angkot = $('#text_route').val();

//kalo belum buat graph
if(json_google_map == '' || rute_angkot == ''){
alert('buat graph dulu!');
return false;

url : "json_to_sql.php",
data: {
json_google_map: json_google_map,
route_angkot: rute_angkot
window.location = 'download_sql.php?r=' + url;
alert('error: '+er);
// remove loading

function load_json(){
textarea = document.getElementById('text_json');
val = textarea.value;
if( val.trim() == '' ){
return false;
var res = val.split('-------------------------------------');
for( i = 0; i < res.length; i++ ){
var res1 = res[i].trim();
var res2 = res1.split('n');
if( res2.length > 1 ){ // coordinates is exist
var json = JSON.parse(res2[0]);
var nodes = json.nodes.toString();
var coord = json.coordinates;
for( a = 0; a < coord.length; a++ ){
latlngs = coord[a].toString();
splits = latlngs.split(',');
lats = splits[0].trim();
lngs = splits[1].trim();

var pointPoly = new google.maps.LatLng(lats, lngs);
/* first polyline */
var path = window['poly' + increase].getPath();
/* draw a new marker */
if( a == 0 || a == (coord.length - 1) ){
var str_split = nodes.split('-');
if( a == 0 )
nodes_target = str_split[0];
else if( a == (coord.length - 1) )
nodes_target = str_split[1];

var location = pointPoly;
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: location,
map: map,
title: '' + nodes_target,
increase += 1;

/* reset polyline */
var polyOptions = {
geodesic: true,
strokeColor: 'rgb(20, 120, 218)',
strokeOpacity: 1.0,
strokeWeight: 2,
editable: true,
console.log( 'ulang' );
window['poly' + increase] = new google.maps.Polyline(polyOptions);
window['poly' + increase].setMap(map);

var res1 = val.split('=====================================');
if( res1.length > 1 ){
res_dest = res1[1].trim();
json = JSON.parse(res_dest);
json_root = json.destination;
length_json = json.destination.length;

for( b = 0; b < length_json; b++ ){
var chr = String.fromCharCode(97 + b);
__global_destination_now = chr;
latlng1 = json_root[b][chr].toString().split(',');
next_lat1 = latlng1[0].trim();
next_lng2 = latlng1[1].trim();

var pointPath1 = new google.maps.LatLng(next_lat1, next_lng2);
icons = '';
var location = event.latLng;
window['marker_dest_' + __global_destination_now] = new google.maps.Marker({
position: pointPath1,
map: map,
icon: icons,
draggable: true,
title: '' + __global_destination_now,

// reset
textarea.value = '';
/* load google maps v3 */
google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);

$(document).ready(function() {


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    I want to store marker and polyline in the database

    In this script, I have 3 functions, that is to draw a polyline, marker and the point of destination

    Can anyone fix my script below ?

    var map;
    var __global_node_now = 'null';
    var __global_node = false;
    var __global_line = false;
    var __global_destination = false;
    var __global_destination_now = 'null';
    var __global_load_json = false;
    var __global_arr_node = new Array();
    var __global_first_line = 0;

    function add_node(){
    var active_x = document.getElementById('add_nodex');
    var active_y = document.getElementById('add_linex');
    var active_z = document.getElementById('add_destinationx');
    /* disable other tools */
    __global_node = true;
    __global_line = false;
    __global_destination = false;

    function add_line(){
    var active_x = document.getElementById('add_nodex');
    var active_y = document.getElementById('add_linex');
    var active_z = document.getElementById('add_destinationx');
    /* disable other tools */
    __global_line = true;
    __global_node = false;
    __global_destination = false;

    function add_destination(){
    var active_x = document.getElementById('add_nodex');
    var active_y = document.getElementById('add_linex');
    var active_z = document.getElementById('add_destinationx');
    /* disable other tools */
    __global_destination = true;
    __global_node = false;
    __global_line = false;

    function edit_destination_name(a, thiis){
    var edit_destination = prompt("Edit destination", $(thiis).html());
    console.log(window['marker_dest_' + a]);
    // id marker_destintation
    marker_destination = window['marker_dest_' + a];
    // update event popup
    // update destination_name by live
    // update title marker
    // remove previously event
    google.maps.event.clearListeners(marker_destination, 'click');
    // popup event
    var content = "<span class='destination_name' onclick='edit_destination_name("" + a + "", this)'>" + edit_destination + "</span>";
    var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow();
    google.maps.event.addListener(marker_destination,'click', (function(marker_destination,content,infowindow){
    return function() {

    var poly;
    var map;
    var increase = 0;
    function initialize() {
    /* setup map */
    var mapOptions = {
    center: new google.maps.LatLng(-7.977022, 112.634151),
    zoom: 15,
    zoomControl: true,
    streetViewControl: false,
    mapTypeControl: false,
    gestureHandling: 'greedy'
    map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map-canvas'),
    var trafficLayer = new google.maps.TrafficLayer();
    /* setup polyline */
    var polyOptions = {
    geodesic: true,
    strokeColor: 'rgb(20, 120, 218)',
    strokeOpacity: 1.0,
    strokeWeight: 2,
    editable: true,
    window['poly' + increase] = new google.maps.Polyline(polyOptions);
    window['poly' + increase].setMap(map);

    /* create marker and line by click */
    google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'click', function(event)
    /* if tools 'add destination' is active, create marker */
    if( __global_destination == true ){
    var key_destination = 0;
    //__global_destination_now = 'a';
    if( __global_destination_now == 'null' ){
    __global_destination_now = 'a';
    key_destination = 0;
    __global_destination_now = String.fromCharCode( __global_destination_now.charCodeAt(0) + 1 );
    key_destination += 1;
    // nama destination
    destination_name = "HAE";
    window['infowindow'+key_destination] = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
    content: '<div>'+ destination_name +'</div>'

    // add marker destination
    icons = '';
    var location = event.latLng;
    window['marker_dest_' + __global_destination_now] = new google.maps.Marker({
    position: location,
    map: map,
    icon: icons,
    draggable: true,
    title: '' + __global_destination_now,

    // id marker_destintation
    var marker_destintation = window['marker_dest_' + __global_destination_now];

    // popup event
    var content = "<span class='destination_name' onclick='edit_destination_name("" + __global_destination_now + "", this)'>" + __global_destination_now + "</span>";
    var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow();
    google.maps.event.addListener(marker_destintation,'click', (function(marker_destintation,content,infowindow){
    return function() {

    /* if tools 'add node' is active, create marker */
    if( __global_node == true ) {
    var key_node = 0;
    if( __global_node_now == 'null' ){
    __global_node_now = 'a';
    key_node = 0;
    __global_node_now = String.fromCharCode( __global_node_now.charCodeAt(0) + 1 );
    key_destination += 1;

    /* draw a new marker */
    var location = event.latLng;
    var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
    position: location,
    map: map,
    title: '' + __global_node_now,

    // popup event
    var content_marker = "<div>" + __global_node_now + "</div>";
    var infowindow_marker = new google.maps.InfoWindow();
    google.maps.event.addListener(marker,'click', (function(marker,content_marker,infowindow_marker){
    return function() {

    /* Add listener to getting latLng marker
    * using 'list object event' : {this.title, this.position}
    google.maps.event.addListener(marker, "click", function (evt)
    /* if tools 'add line' is active, create first polyline */
    if( __global_line == true ){

    /* first polyline */
    var path = window['poly' + increase].getPath();

    /* temporary for node start - finish for json
    * example : 0-1 {"coordinates": [[123, 456], [321, 123]]}
    if( __global_first_line == 0 )
    temp_node1 = this.title;

    /* jika meng-klik ke marker/node akhir dalam pembuatan polyline */
    if( == && evt.latLng.lng() == event.latLng.lng() && __global_first_line == 1 ){
    alert('node & line berhasil disambung!');
    temp_node2 = this.title;
    temp_node_fix = temp_node1 + '-' + temp_node2;
    /* adding id window['poly' + increase] */
    increase += 1;
    /* reset first polyline */
    __global_first_line = 0;

    /* reset polyline */
    var polyOptions = {
    geodesic: true,
    strokeColor: 'rgb(20, 120, 218)',
    strokeOpacity: 1.0,
    strokeWeight: 2,
    editable: true,
    //draggable: true,
    window['poly' + increase] = new google.maps.Polyline(polyOptions);
    window['poly' + increase].setMap(map);
    return false; // die()
    __global_first_line = 1;
    }); //end addListener
    }else if( __global_line == true ){
    if( __global_first_line == 1 ){
    var path = window['poly' + increase].getPath();
    alert('klik Node dulu!');
    }); // end click map

    function save_markerlinex(){
    //return false;
    var json_google_map = '';
    for( i = 0; i < increase; i++ )
    // val_latlng = window['poly' + i].getPath().j;
    // length_latlng = window['poly' + i].getPath().j.length;
    val_latlng = window['poly' + i].getPath().getArray(); // new
    length_latlng = window['poly' + i].getPath().length; // new
    var str2 = '';
    var polylineLength = 0;
    for( a = 0; a < length_latlng; a++ )
    lat1 = val_latlng[a].lat();
    lng2 = val_latlng[a].lng();

    /* calculate distance polyline */
    if ( a < (length_latlng - 1) ) {
    next_lat1 = val_latlng[(a+1)].lat();
    next_lng2 = val_latlng[(a+1)].lng();
    var pointPath1 = new google.maps.LatLng(lat1, lng2);
    var pointPath2 = new google.maps.LatLng(next_lat1, next_lng2);
    polylineLength += google.maps.geometry.spherical.computeDistanceBetween(pointPath1, pointPath2);
    bracket_latlng = '[' + lat1 + ', ' + lng2 + ']';
    console.log("bracket : " + bracket_latlng);
    if( a == (length_latlng - 1) ){ // end
    str2 += bracket_latlng;
    str2 += bracket_latlng + ',';
    nodes_info = __global_arr_node[i];
    create_json = '{"nodes": ["' + nodes_info + '"], "coordinates": [' + str2 + '], "distance_metres": [' + polylineLength + ']}';
    //console.log("str2 : " + str2);
    /* reverse coordinates */
    str3_reverse = '[' + str2 + ']';
    str3_reverse_p = JSON.parse(str3_reverse);
    str3 = '';
    for( u = (str3_reverse_p.length - 1); u >= 0; u-- )
    // rev = reverse
    latlng_rev = str3_reverse_p[u];
    bracket_latlng_rev = '[' + latlng_rev + ']';
    if( u == 0 ){ // end
    str3 += bracket_latlng_rev;
    str3 += bracket_latlng_rev + ',';
    explode = nodes_info.split('-');
    nodes_info_rev = explode[1] + '-' + explode[0];
    create_json_rev = '{"nodes": ["' + nodes_info_rev + '"], "coordinates": [' + str3 + '], "distance_metres": [' + polylineLength + ']}';
    if( i == ( increase - 1 ) )
    pemisah = 'nn=====================================nn';
    pemisah = 'nn-------------------------------------nn';
    json_google_map += create_json + 'nn' + create_json_rev + pemisah;

    // list marker destination
    if( __global_destination_now != 'null' ){
    number_dest = ( __global_destination_now.charCodeAt(0) - 97 );
    str4 = '';
    coord_dest = '';
    for( y = 0; y <= number_dest; y++ ){
    var chr = String.fromCharCode(97 + y);
    var title_live = window['marker_dest_' + chr].getTitle();
    console.log(window['marker_dest_' + chr].position);
    latsx = window['marker_dest_' + chr];
    lngsx = window['marker_dest_' + chr].position.lng();
    if( y == number_dest ) // end
    comma = '';
    comma = ',';
    coord_dest += '{"' + title_live + '": "' + latsx + ', ' + lngsx + '"}' + comma;
    str4 = '{"destination": [' + coord_dest + ']}';
    json_google_map += str4;
    //document.getElementById('txt').innerHTML = json_google_map;
    rute_angkot = $('#text_route').val();

    //kalo belum buat graph
    if(json_google_map == '' || rute_angkot == ''){
    alert('buat graph dulu!');
    return false;

    url : "json_to_sql.php",
    data: {
    json_google_map: json_google_map,
    route_angkot: rute_angkot
    window.location = 'download_sql.php?r=' + url;
    alert('error: '+er);
    // remove loading

    function load_json(){
    textarea = document.getElementById('text_json');
    val = textarea.value;
    if( val.trim() == '' ){
    return false;
    var res = val.split('-------------------------------------');
    for( i = 0; i < res.length; i++ ){
    var res1 = res[i].trim();
    var res2 = res1.split('n');
    if( res2.length > 1 ){ // coordinates is exist
    var json = JSON.parse(res2[0]);
    var nodes = json.nodes.toString();
    var coord = json.coordinates;
    for( a = 0; a < coord.length; a++ ){
    latlngs = coord[a].toString();
    splits = latlngs.split(',');
    lats = splits[0].trim();
    lngs = splits[1].trim();

    var pointPoly = new google.maps.LatLng(lats, lngs);
    /* first polyline */
    var path = window['poly' + increase].getPath();
    /* draw a new marker */
    if( a == 0 || a == (coord.length - 1) ){
    var str_split = nodes.split('-');
    if( a == 0 )
    nodes_target = str_split[0];
    else if( a == (coord.length - 1) )
    nodes_target = str_split[1];

    var location = pointPoly;
    var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
    position: location,
    map: map,
    title: '' + nodes_target,
    increase += 1;

    /* reset polyline */
    var polyOptions = {
    geodesic: true,
    strokeColor: 'rgb(20, 120, 218)',
    strokeOpacity: 1.0,
    strokeWeight: 2,
    editable: true,
    console.log( 'ulang' );
    window['poly' + increase] = new google.maps.Polyline(polyOptions);
    window['poly' + increase].setMap(map);

    var res1 = val.split('=====================================');
    if( res1.length > 1 ){
    res_dest = res1[1].trim();
    json = JSON.parse(res_dest);
    json_root = json.destination;
    length_json = json.destination.length;

    for( b = 0; b < length_json; b++ ){
    var chr = String.fromCharCode(97 + b);
    __global_destination_now = chr;
    latlng1 = json_root[b][chr].toString().split(',');
    next_lat1 = latlng1[0].trim();
    next_lng2 = latlng1[1].trim();

    var pointPath1 = new google.maps.LatLng(next_lat1, next_lng2);
    icons = '';
    var location = event.latLng;
    window['marker_dest_' + __global_destination_now] = new google.maps.Marker({
    position: pointPath1,
    map: map,
    icon: icons,
    draggable: true,
    title: '' + __global_destination_now,

    // reset
    textarea.value = '';
    /* load google maps v3 */
    google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);

    $(document).ready(function() {


    New contributor

    MALANG arema is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
    Check out our Code of Conduct.




      I want to store marker and polyline in the database

      In this script, I have 3 functions, that is to draw a polyline, marker and the point of destination

      Can anyone fix my script below ?

      var map;
      var __global_node_now = 'null';
      var __global_node = false;
      var __global_line = false;
      var __global_destination = false;
      var __global_destination_now = 'null';
      var __global_load_json = false;
      var __global_arr_node = new Array();
      var __global_first_line = 0;

      function add_node(){
      var active_x = document.getElementById('add_nodex');
      var active_y = document.getElementById('add_linex');
      var active_z = document.getElementById('add_destinationx');
      /* disable other tools */
      __global_node = true;
      __global_line = false;
      __global_destination = false;

      function add_line(){
      var active_x = document.getElementById('add_nodex');
      var active_y = document.getElementById('add_linex');
      var active_z = document.getElementById('add_destinationx');
      /* disable other tools */
      __global_line = true;
      __global_node = false;
      __global_destination = false;

      function add_destination(){
      var active_x = document.getElementById('add_nodex');
      var active_y = document.getElementById('add_linex');
      var active_z = document.getElementById('add_destinationx');
      /* disable other tools */
      __global_destination = true;
      __global_node = false;
      __global_line = false;

      function edit_destination_name(a, thiis){
      var edit_destination = prompt("Edit destination", $(thiis).html());
      console.log(window['marker_dest_' + a]);
      // id marker_destintation
      marker_destination = window['marker_dest_' + a];
      // update event popup
      // update destination_name by live
      // update title marker
      // remove previously event
      google.maps.event.clearListeners(marker_destination, 'click');
      // popup event
      var content = "<span class='destination_name' onclick='edit_destination_name("" + a + "", this)'>" + edit_destination + "</span>";
      var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow();
      google.maps.event.addListener(marker_destination,'click', (function(marker_destination,content,infowindow){
      return function() {

      var poly;
      var map;
      var increase = 0;
      function initialize() {
      /* setup map */
      var mapOptions = {
      center: new google.maps.LatLng(-7.977022, 112.634151),
      zoom: 15,
      zoomControl: true,
      streetViewControl: false,
      mapTypeControl: false,
      gestureHandling: 'greedy'
      map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map-canvas'),
      var trafficLayer = new google.maps.TrafficLayer();
      /* setup polyline */
      var polyOptions = {
      geodesic: true,
      strokeColor: 'rgb(20, 120, 218)',
      strokeOpacity: 1.0,
      strokeWeight: 2,
      editable: true,
      window['poly' + increase] = new google.maps.Polyline(polyOptions);
      window['poly' + increase].setMap(map);

      /* create marker and line by click */
      google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'click', function(event)
      /* if tools 'add destination' is active, create marker */
      if( __global_destination == true ){
      var key_destination = 0;
      //__global_destination_now = 'a';
      if( __global_destination_now == 'null' ){
      __global_destination_now = 'a';
      key_destination = 0;
      __global_destination_now = String.fromCharCode( __global_destination_now.charCodeAt(0) + 1 );
      key_destination += 1;
      // nama destination
      destination_name = "HAE";
      window['infowindow'+key_destination] = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
      content: '<div>'+ destination_name +'</div>'

      // add marker destination
      icons = '';
      var location = event.latLng;
      window['marker_dest_' + __global_destination_now] = new google.maps.Marker({
      position: location,
      map: map,
      icon: icons,
      draggable: true,
      title: '' + __global_destination_now,

      // id marker_destintation
      var marker_destintation = window['marker_dest_' + __global_destination_now];

      // popup event
      var content = "<span class='destination_name' onclick='edit_destination_name("" + __global_destination_now + "", this)'>" + __global_destination_now + "</span>";
      var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow();
      google.maps.event.addListener(marker_destintation,'click', (function(marker_destintation,content,infowindow){
      return function() {

      /* if tools 'add node' is active, create marker */
      if( __global_node == true ) {
      var key_node = 0;
      if( __global_node_now == 'null' ){
      __global_node_now = 'a';
      key_node = 0;
      __global_node_now = String.fromCharCode( __global_node_now.charCodeAt(0) + 1 );
      key_destination += 1;

      /* draw a new marker */
      var location = event.latLng;
      var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
      position: location,
      map: map,
      title: '' + __global_node_now,

      // popup event
      var content_marker = "<div>" + __global_node_now + "</div>";
      var infowindow_marker = new google.maps.InfoWindow();
      google.maps.event.addListener(marker,'click', (function(marker,content_marker,infowindow_marker){
      return function() {

      /* Add listener to getting latLng marker
      * using 'list object event' : {this.title, this.position}
      google.maps.event.addListener(marker, "click", function (evt)
      /* if tools 'add line' is active, create first polyline */
      if( __global_line == true ){

      /* first polyline */
      var path = window['poly' + increase].getPath();

      /* temporary for node start - finish for json
      * example : 0-1 {"coordinates": [[123, 456], [321, 123]]}
      if( __global_first_line == 0 )
      temp_node1 = this.title;

      /* jika meng-klik ke marker/node akhir dalam pembuatan polyline */
      if( == && evt.latLng.lng() == event.latLng.lng() && __global_first_line == 1 ){
      alert('node & line berhasil disambung!');
      temp_node2 = this.title;
      temp_node_fix = temp_node1 + '-' + temp_node2;
      /* adding id window['poly' + increase] */
      increase += 1;
      /* reset first polyline */
      __global_first_line = 0;

      /* reset polyline */
      var polyOptions = {
      geodesic: true,
      strokeColor: 'rgb(20, 120, 218)',
      strokeOpacity: 1.0,
      strokeWeight: 2,
      editable: true,
      //draggable: true,
      window['poly' + increase] = new google.maps.Polyline(polyOptions);
      window['poly' + increase].setMap(map);
      return false; // die()
      __global_first_line = 1;
      }); //end addListener
      }else if( __global_line == true ){
      if( __global_first_line == 1 ){
      var path = window['poly' + increase].getPath();
      alert('klik Node dulu!');
      }); // end click map

      function save_markerlinex(){
      //return false;
      var json_google_map = '';
      for( i = 0; i < increase; i++ )
      // val_latlng = window['poly' + i].getPath().j;
      // length_latlng = window['poly' + i].getPath().j.length;
      val_latlng = window['poly' + i].getPath().getArray(); // new
      length_latlng = window['poly' + i].getPath().length; // new
      var str2 = '';
      var polylineLength = 0;
      for( a = 0; a < length_latlng; a++ )
      lat1 = val_latlng[a].lat();
      lng2 = val_latlng[a].lng();

      /* calculate distance polyline */
      if ( a < (length_latlng - 1) ) {
      next_lat1 = val_latlng[(a+1)].lat();
      next_lng2 = val_latlng[(a+1)].lng();
      var pointPath1 = new google.maps.LatLng(lat1, lng2);
      var pointPath2 = new google.maps.LatLng(next_lat1, next_lng2);
      polylineLength += google.maps.geometry.spherical.computeDistanceBetween(pointPath1, pointPath2);
      bracket_latlng = '[' + lat1 + ', ' + lng2 + ']';
      console.log("bracket : " + bracket_latlng);
      if( a == (length_latlng - 1) ){ // end
      str2 += bracket_latlng;
      str2 += bracket_latlng + ',';
      nodes_info = __global_arr_node[i];
      create_json = '{"nodes": ["' + nodes_info + '"], "coordinates": [' + str2 + '], "distance_metres": [' + polylineLength + ']}';
      //console.log("str2 : " + str2);
      /* reverse coordinates */
      str3_reverse = '[' + str2 + ']';
      str3_reverse_p = JSON.parse(str3_reverse);
      str3 = '';
      for( u = (str3_reverse_p.length - 1); u >= 0; u-- )
      // rev = reverse
      latlng_rev = str3_reverse_p[u];
      bracket_latlng_rev = '[' + latlng_rev + ']';
      if( u == 0 ){ // end
      str3 += bracket_latlng_rev;
      str3 += bracket_latlng_rev + ',';
      explode = nodes_info.split('-');
      nodes_info_rev = explode[1] + '-' + explode[0];
      create_json_rev = '{"nodes": ["' + nodes_info_rev + '"], "coordinates": [' + str3 + '], "distance_metres": [' + polylineLength + ']}';
      if( i == ( increase - 1 ) )
      pemisah = 'nn=====================================nn';
      pemisah = 'nn-------------------------------------nn';
      json_google_map += create_json + 'nn' + create_json_rev + pemisah;

      // list marker destination
      if( __global_destination_now != 'null' ){
      number_dest = ( __global_destination_now.charCodeAt(0) - 97 );
      str4 = '';
      coord_dest = '';
      for( y = 0; y <= number_dest; y++ ){
      var chr = String.fromCharCode(97 + y);
      var title_live = window['marker_dest_' + chr].getTitle();
      console.log(window['marker_dest_' + chr].position);
      latsx = window['marker_dest_' + chr];
      lngsx = window['marker_dest_' + chr].position.lng();
      if( y == number_dest ) // end
      comma = '';
      comma = ',';
      coord_dest += '{"' + title_live + '": "' + latsx + ', ' + lngsx + '"}' + comma;
      str4 = '{"destination": [' + coord_dest + ']}';
      json_google_map += str4;
      //document.getElementById('txt').innerHTML = json_google_map;
      rute_angkot = $('#text_route').val();

      //kalo belum buat graph
      if(json_google_map == '' || rute_angkot == ''){
      alert('buat graph dulu!');
      return false;

      url : "json_to_sql.php",
      data: {
      json_google_map: json_google_map,
      route_angkot: rute_angkot
      window.location = 'download_sql.php?r=' + url;
      alert('error: '+er);
      // remove loading

      function load_json(){
      textarea = document.getElementById('text_json');
      val = textarea.value;
      if( val.trim() == '' ){
      return false;
      var res = val.split('-------------------------------------');
      for( i = 0; i < res.length; i++ ){
      var res1 = res[i].trim();
      var res2 = res1.split('n');
      if( res2.length > 1 ){ // coordinates is exist
      var json = JSON.parse(res2[0]);
      var nodes = json.nodes.toString();
      var coord = json.coordinates;
      for( a = 0; a < coord.length; a++ ){
      latlngs = coord[a].toString();
      splits = latlngs.split(',');
      lats = splits[0].trim();
      lngs = splits[1].trim();

      var pointPoly = new google.maps.LatLng(lats, lngs);
      /* first polyline */
      var path = window['poly' + increase].getPath();
      /* draw a new marker */
      if( a == 0 || a == (coord.length - 1) ){
      var str_split = nodes.split('-');
      if( a == 0 )
      nodes_target = str_split[0];
      else if( a == (coord.length - 1) )
      nodes_target = str_split[1];

      var location = pointPoly;
      var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
      position: location,
      map: map,
      title: '' + nodes_target,
      increase += 1;

      /* reset polyline */
      var polyOptions = {
      geodesic: true,
      strokeColor: 'rgb(20, 120, 218)',
      strokeOpacity: 1.0,
      strokeWeight: 2,
      editable: true,
      console.log( 'ulang' );
      window['poly' + increase] = new google.maps.Polyline(polyOptions);
      window['poly' + increase].setMap(map);

      var res1 = val.split('=====================================');
      if( res1.length > 1 ){
      res_dest = res1[1].trim();
      json = JSON.parse(res_dest);
      json_root = json.destination;
      length_json = json.destination.length;

      for( b = 0; b < length_json; b++ ){
      var chr = String.fromCharCode(97 + b);
      __global_destination_now = chr;
      latlng1 = json_root[b][chr].toString().split(',');
      next_lat1 = latlng1[0].trim();
      next_lng2 = latlng1[1].trim();

      var pointPath1 = new google.maps.LatLng(next_lat1, next_lng2);
      icons = '';
      var location = event.latLng;
      window['marker_dest_' + __global_destination_now] = new google.maps.Marker({
      position: pointPath1,
      map: map,
      icon: icons,
      draggable: true,
      title: '' + __global_destination_now,

      // reset
      textarea.value = '';
      /* load google maps v3 */
      google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);

      $(document).ready(function() {


      New contributor

      MALANG arema is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      I want to store marker and polyline in the database

      In this script, I have 3 functions, that is to draw a polyline, marker and the point of destination

      Can anyone fix my script below ?

      var map;
      var __global_node_now = 'null';
      var __global_node = false;
      var __global_line = false;
      var __global_destination = false;
      var __global_destination_now = 'null';
      var __global_load_json = false;
      var __global_arr_node = new Array();
      var __global_first_line = 0;

      function add_node(){
      var active_x = document.getElementById('add_nodex');
      var active_y = document.getElementById('add_linex');
      var active_z = document.getElementById('add_destinationx');
      /* disable other tools */
      __global_node = true;
      __global_line = false;
      __global_destination = false;

      function add_line(){
      var active_x = document.getElementById('add_nodex');
      var active_y = document.getElementById('add_linex');
      var active_z = document.getElementById('add_destinationx');
      /* disable other tools */
      __global_line = true;
      __global_node = false;
      __global_destination = false;

      function add_destination(){
      var active_x = document.getElementById('add_nodex');
      var active_y = document.getElementById('add_linex');
      var active_z = document.getElementById('add_destinationx');
      /* disable other tools */
      __global_destination = true;
      __global_node = false;
      __global_line = false;

      function edit_destination_name(a, thiis){
      var edit_destination = prompt("Edit destination", $(thiis).html());
      console.log(window['marker_dest_' + a]);
      // id marker_destintation
      marker_destination = window['marker_dest_' + a];
      // update event popup
      // update destination_name by live
      // update title marker
      // remove previously event
      google.maps.event.clearListeners(marker_destination, 'click');
      // popup event
      var content = "<span class='destination_name' onclick='edit_destination_name("" + a + "", this)'>" + edit_destination + "</span>";
      var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow();
      google.maps.event.addListener(marker_destination,'click', (function(marker_destination,content,infowindow){
      return function() {

      var poly;
      var map;
      var increase = 0;
      function initialize() {
      /* setup map */
      var mapOptions = {
      center: new google.maps.LatLng(-7.977022, 112.634151),
      zoom: 15,
      zoomControl: true,
      streetViewControl: false,
      mapTypeControl: false,
      gestureHandling: 'greedy'
      map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map-canvas'),
      var trafficLayer = new google.maps.TrafficLayer();
      /* setup polyline */
      var polyOptions = {
      geodesic: true,
      strokeColor: 'rgb(20, 120, 218)',
      strokeOpacity: 1.0,
      strokeWeight: 2,
      editable: true,
      window['poly' + increase] = new google.maps.Polyline(polyOptions);
      window['poly' + increase].setMap(map);

      /* create marker and line by click */
      google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'click', function(event)
      /* if tools 'add destination' is active, create marker */
      if( __global_destination == true ){
      var key_destination = 0;
      //__global_destination_now = 'a';
      if( __global_destination_now == 'null' ){
      __global_destination_now = 'a';
      key_destination = 0;
      __global_destination_now = String.fromCharCode( __global_destination_now.charCodeAt(0) + 1 );
      key_destination += 1;
      // nama destination
      destination_name = "HAE";
      window['infowindow'+key_destination] = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
      content: '<div>'+ destination_name +'</div>'

      // add marker destination
      icons = '';
      var location = event.latLng;
      window['marker_dest_' + __global_destination_now] = new google.maps.Marker({
      position: location,
      map: map,
      icon: icons,
      draggable: true,
      title: '' + __global_destination_now,

      // id marker_destintation
      var marker_destintation = window['marker_dest_' + __global_destination_now];

      // popup event
      var content = "<span class='destination_name' onclick='edit_destination_name("" + __global_destination_now + "", this)'>" + __global_destination_now + "</span>";
      var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow();
      google.maps.event.addListener(marker_destintation,'click', (function(marker_destintation,content,infowindow){
      return function() {

      /* if tools 'add node' is active, create marker */
      if( __global_node == true ) {
      var key_node = 0;
      if( __global_node_now == 'null' ){
      __global_node_now = 'a';
      key_node = 0;
      __global_node_now = String.fromCharCode( __global_node_now.charCodeAt(0) + 1 );
      key_destination += 1;

      /* draw a new marker */
      var location = event.latLng;
      var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
      position: location,
      map: map,
      title: '' + __global_node_now,

      // popup event
      var content_marker = "<div>" + __global_node_now + "</div>";
      var infowindow_marker = new google.maps.InfoWindow();
      google.maps.event.addListener(marker,'click', (function(marker,content_marker,infowindow_marker){
      return function() {

      /* Add listener to getting latLng marker
      * using 'list object event' : {this.title, this.position}
      google.maps.event.addListener(marker, "click", function (evt)
      /* if tools 'add line' is active, create first polyline */
      if( __global_line == true ){

      /* first polyline */
      var path = window['poly' + increase].getPath();

      /* temporary for node start - finish for json
      * example : 0-1 {"coordinates": [[123, 456], [321, 123]]}
      if( __global_first_line == 0 )
      temp_node1 = this.title;

      /* jika meng-klik ke marker/node akhir dalam pembuatan polyline */
      if( == && evt.latLng.lng() == event.latLng.lng() && __global_first_line == 1 ){
      alert('node & line berhasil disambung!');
      temp_node2 = this.title;
      temp_node_fix = temp_node1 + '-' + temp_node2;
      /* adding id window['poly' + increase] */
      increase += 1;
      /* reset first polyline */
      __global_first_line = 0;

      /* reset polyline */
      var polyOptions = {
      geodesic: true,
      strokeColor: 'rgb(20, 120, 218)',
      strokeOpacity: 1.0,
      strokeWeight: 2,
      editable: true,
      //draggable: true,
      window['poly' + increase] = new google.maps.Polyline(polyOptions);
      window['poly' + increase].setMap(map);
      return false; // die()
      __global_first_line = 1;
      }); //end addListener
      }else if( __global_line == true ){
      if( __global_first_line == 1 ){
      var path = window['poly' + increase].getPath();
      alert('klik Node dulu!');
      }); // end click map

      function save_markerlinex(){
      //return false;
      var json_google_map = '';
      for( i = 0; i < increase; i++ )
      // val_latlng = window['poly' + i].getPath().j;
      // length_latlng = window['poly' + i].getPath().j.length;
      val_latlng = window['poly' + i].getPath().getArray(); // new
      length_latlng = window['poly' + i].getPath().length; // new
      var str2 = '';
      var polylineLength = 0;
      for( a = 0; a < length_latlng; a++ )
      lat1 = val_latlng[a].lat();
      lng2 = val_latlng[a].lng();

      /* calculate distance polyline */
      if ( a < (length_latlng - 1) ) {
      next_lat1 = val_latlng[(a+1)].lat();
      next_lng2 = val_latlng[(a+1)].lng();
      var pointPath1 = new google.maps.LatLng(lat1, lng2);
      var pointPath2 = new google.maps.LatLng(next_lat1, next_lng2);
      polylineLength += google.maps.geometry.spherical.computeDistanceBetween(pointPath1, pointPath2);
      bracket_latlng = '[' + lat1 + ', ' + lng2 + ']';
      console.log("bracket : " + bracket_latlng);
      if( a == (length_latlng - 1) ){ // end
      str2 += bracket_latlng;
      str2 += bracket_latlng + ',';
      nodes_info = __global_arr_node[i];
      create_json = '{"nodes": ["' + nodes_info + '"], "coordinates": [' + str2 + '], "distance_metres": [' + polylineLength + ']}';
      //console.log("str2 : " + str2);
      /* reverse coordinates */
      str3_reverse = '[' + str2 + ']';
      str3_reverse_p = JSON.parse(str3_reverse);
      str3 = '';
      for( u = (str3_reverse_p.length - 1); u >= 0; u-- )
      // rev = reverse
      latlng_rev = str3_reverse_p[u];
      bracket_latlng_rev = '[' + latlng_rev + ']';
      if( u == 0 ){ // end
      str3 += bracket_latlng_rev;
      str3 += bracket_latlng_rev + ',';
      explode = nodes_info.split('-');
      nodes_info_rev = explode[1] + '-' + explode[0];
      create_json_rev = '{"nodes": ["' + nodes_info_rev + '"], "coordinates": [' + str3 + '], "distance_metres": [' + polylineLength + ']}';
      if( i == ( increase - 1 ) )
      pemisah = 'nn=====================================nn';
      pemisah = 'nn-------------------------------------nn';
      json_google_map += create_json + 'nn' + create_json_rev + pemisah;

      // list marker destination
      if( __global_destination_now != 'null' ){
      number_dest = ( __global_destination_now.charCodeAt(0) - 97 );
      str4 = '';
      coord_dest = '';
      for( y = 0; y <= number_dest; y++ ){
      var chr = String.fromCharCode(97 + y);
      var title_live = window['marker_dest_' + chr].getTitle();
      console.log(window['marker_dest_' + chr].position);
      latsx = window['marker_dest_' + chr];
      lngsx = window['marker_dest_' + chr].position.lng();
      if( y == number_dest ) // end
      comma = '';
      comma = ',';
      coord_dest += '{"' + title_live + '": "' + latsx + ', ' + lngsx + '"}' + comma;
      str4 = '{"destination": [' + coord_dest + ']}';
      json_google_map += str4;
      //document.getElementById('txt').innerHTML = json_google_map;
      rute_angkot = $('#text_route').val();

      //kalo belum buat graph
      if(json_google_map == '' || rute_angkot == ''){
      alert('buat graph dulu!');
      return false;

      url : "json_to_sql.php",
      data: {
      json_google_map: json_google_map,
      route_angkot: rute_angkot
      window.location = 'download_sql.php?r=' + url;
      alert('error: '+er);
      // remove loading

      function load_json(){
      textarea = document.getElementById('text_json');
      val = textarea.value;
      if( val.trim() == '' ){
      return false;
      var res = val.split('-------------------------------------');
      for( i = 0; i < res.length; i++ ){
      var res1 = res[i].trim();
      var res2 = res1.split('n');
      if( res2.length > 1 ){ // coordinates is exist
      var json = JSON.parse(res2[0]);
      var nodes = json.nodes.toString();
      var coord = json.coordinates;
      for( a = 0; a < coord.length; a++ ){
      latlngs = coord[a].toString();
      splits = latlngs.split(',');
      lats = splits[0].trim();
      lngs = splits[1].trim();

      var pointPoly = new google.maps.LatLng(lats, lngs);
      /* first polyline */
      var path = window['poly' + increase].getPath();
      /* draw a new marker */
      if( a == 0 || a == (coord.length - 1) ){
      var str_split = nodes.split('-');
      if( a == 0 )
      nodes_target = str_split[0];
      else if( a == (coord.length - 1) )
      nodes_target = str_split[1];

      var location = pointPoly;
      var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
      position: location,
      map: map,
      title: '' + nodes_target,
      increase += 1;

      /* reset polyline */
      var polyOptions = {
      geodesic: true,
      strokeColor: 'rgb(20, 120, 218)',
      strokeOpacity: 1.0,
      strokeWeight: 2,
      editable: true,
      console.log( 'ulang' );
      window['poly' + increase] = new google.maps.Polyline(polyOptions);
      window['poly' + increase].setMap(map);

      var res1 = val.split('=====================================');
      if( res1.length > 1 ){
      res_dest = res1[1].trim();
      json = JSON.parse(res_dest);
      json_root = json.destination;
      length_json = json.destination.length;

      for( b = 0; b < length_json; b++ ){
      var chr = String.fromCharCode(97 + b);
      __global_destination_now = chr;
      latlng1 = json_root[b][chr].toString().split(',');
      next_lat1 = latlng1[0].trim();
      next_lng2 = latlng1[1].trim();

      var pointPath1 = new google.maps.LatLng(next_lat1, next_lng2);
      icons = '';
      var location = event.latLng;
      window['marker_dest_' + __global_destination_now] = new google.maps.Marker({
      position: pointPath1,
      map: map,
      icon: icons,
      draggable: true,
      title: '' + __global_destination_now,

      // reset
      textarea.value = '';
      /* load google maps v3 */
      google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);

      $(document).ready(function() {

      google-maps-api markers php mysql polyline-creation


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      MALANG aremaMALANG arema



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