not able to upload shapefile in arcgis 3.10 with custom built gp service with error :500:“Error performing...
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not able to upload shapefile in arcgis 3.10 with custom built gp service with error :500:“Error performing upload operation”
Custom ArcGIS Server Web Service can't find Esri assembliesWFS service Server Error in '/ArcGIS/services' ApplicationIs the PostGIS Shapefile Import Manager able to upload to phpmyadmin or only pgadmin III?ArcGIS Server geoprocessing service examples for shapefile data exportError code 500 at REST Endpoint of published geoprocessing service perhaps due to output parameter type?Publishing ArcGIS geoprocessing service - upload custom python modules?Not able to overwrite/delete an existing Service in ArcGIS Server?Adding custom error in published geoprocessing service using ArcPy?How to upload a shapefile using WFS service?Creating ArcGIS Service (FeatureAccess) with dynamic datasource?
var submitcheck;
function (declare, lang, arrayUtils, Deferred, number, sniff, esriConfig, request,
Extent, Draw, Circle, Point, Units, Graphic, Query, QueryTask, RelationshipQuery, scaleUtils, FeatureLayer, SimpleRenderer, Promise, SpatialReference, InfoWindowLite, InfoTemplate,
Xhr, On, dom, Topic, domConstruct, webMercatorUtils,
colors, easing, Chart, Default, Grid, Areas, StackedAreas, MouseIndicator, TouchIndicator, ThreeD, Wetland,
Select, Button, DropDownButton, ComboBox, ValidationTextBox, GeodesicUtils,
Dialog, TooltipDialog, DataGrid, Measurement,
ContentPane, BorderContainer, TabContainer,
ItemFileWriteStore, Color, LengthsParameters, GeometryService, Geoprocessor, FeatureSet, LinearUnit,
Registry, popup, Memory, ObjectStore, PictureMarkerSymbol, SimpleFillSymbol, SimpleLineSymbol, SimpleMarkerSymbol, CartographicLineSymbol,
MapConfig, Utils, SapLoadQuery, mesgObj, popup, JSON, parser) {
var mapConfig = new MapConfig();
var cemUtils = new Utils();
var map = null;
var thisItem = null;
return declare(null, {
map: null,
uname: null,
newtooltipdialog: null,
result_test: null,
/* Constructor */
constructor: function (map) {
console.log("Loaded " + this.whoami);
_map = map; = map;
// thisItem = this;
// this.submitcheck();
submitcheck: function (event) {
var a = dojo.byId("_form").value;
// alert();
displayaddFileDialog: function (anchorID) {
var contentpanenew = new ContentPane({
id: 'contentpanenew',
selected: 'true',
content: '<div id="buttons" style="background-color:#E8E8E8;">Select files to upload by clicking on the Browse button <br/>'
+ '(Supported extension types: .zip)<br/><br/></div>'
+ '<form id="_form" data-dojo-attach-point="_form" name="_form" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" >'
+ '<input type = "file" id="uploadFileInput" data-dojo-attach-point="uploadFileInput" accept=".zip" name = "_file" style="width: 190px; opacity: 0.75; padding: 5px;"></input>'
+ '<br/>'
+ '<button id="submitButton" name="submitButton" type="submit" data-dojo-type="dijit/form/Button" style="margin-top: 10px;"> Submit </button>'
+ '<button id="closeUploadDialog" name="closeUploadDialog" data-dojo-type="dijit/form/Button" style="margin-top: 10px;"> Close </button>'
+ '</form><br/><br/>'
// onsubmit = "try: submitcheck()" target="_iframe"
var newtooltipdialog = new TooltipDialog({ content: contentpanenew });
On(dom.byId(anchorID), 'click', function () {
if (dijit.byId(anchorID).get('disabled') == false) {{ popup: newtooltipdialog,
around: dom.byId(anchorID),
orient: ["below-centered"]
}); // end of On
// function submitcheck(event) {
// alert();
// }
Registry.byId('submitButton').on('click', function (e) {
// On(dom.byId("uploadForm"), "change", function (e) {
var portalUrl = "";
// = "/proxy/";
// var a = document.getElementById('inFile').files[0];
// var name_element = _file.value.toLowerCase();
var name_element = dojo.byId("uploadFileInput").value;
if (sniff("ie")) { //filename is full path in IE so extract the file name
var arr = name_element.split("\");
name_element = arr[arr.length - 1];
if (name_element.indexOf(".zip") !== -1) {//is file a zip - if not notify user
// alert("this is a zip file");
else {
alert("this is not a zip folder");
function generateFeatureCollection(name_element) {
var namefeat = name_element.split(".");
//Chrome and IE add c:fakepath to the value - we need to remove it
//See this link for more info:
namefeat = namefeat[0].replace("c:\fakepath\", "");
// namefeat = namefeat[0];
// dom.byId('upload-status').innerHTML = '<b>Loading… </b>' + name;
//Define the input params for generate see the rest doc for details
var params = {
'name': namefeat,
'targetSR': _map.spatialReference,
'maxRecordCount': 100000,
'enforceInputFileSizeLimit': true,
'enforceOutputJsonSizeLimit': true
//generalize features for display Here we generalize at 1:40,000 which is approx 10 meters
//This should work well when using web mercator.
var extent = scaleUtils.getExtentForScale(_map, 40000);
var resolution = extent.getWidth() / _map.width;
params.generalize = true;
params.maxAllowableOffset = resolution;
params.reducePrecision = true;
params.numberOfDigitsAfterDecimal = 0;
var myContent = {
'filetype': 'shapefile',
'publishParameters': JSON.stringify(params),
'f': 'json',
'callback.html': 'textarea'
var a = dom.byId('_form');
var b = document.getElementById("uploadFileInput");
var c = dojo.byId("uploadFileInput");
// var uploadUrl = '';
// var uploadRequest = request({
// url: this.uploadUrl,
// form: dom.byId("_form"),
// handleAs: "json",
// content: myContent
// }, {
// useProxy: true,
// usePost: true
// });
// uploadRequest.then(lang.hitch(this, this.handleFileLoad), lang.hitch(this, this.handleFileLoadError));
// showProgressDialog("Uploading Files.......", true);
//use the rest generate operation to generate a feature collection from the zipped shapefile
url: '',
// url: portalUrl + '/sharing/rest/content/features/generate',
content: myContent,
form: dojo.byId('_form'),
handleAs: 'json',
useProxy: true,
usePost: true,
load: lang.hitch(this, function (response) {
if (response.error) {
var layerName = response.featureCollection.layers[0];
// dom.byId('upload-status').innerHTML = '<b>Loaded: </b>' + layerName;
error: lang.hitch(this, errorHandler)
function errorHandler(error) {
}, true);
}); //end of return
}); //end of define
shapefile arcgis-server error
New contributor
dhruv is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.
add a comment |
var submitcheck;
function (declare, lang, arrayUtils, Deferred, number, sniff, esriConfig, request,
Extent, Draw, Circle, Point, Units, Graphic, Query, QueryTask, RelationshipQuery, scaleUtils, FeatureLayer, SimpleRenderer, Promise, SpatialReference, InfoWindowLite, InfoTemplate,
Xhr, On, dom, Topic, domConstruct, webMercatorUtils,
colors, easing, Chart, Default, Grid, Areas, StackedAreas, MouseIndicator, TouchIndicator, ThreeD, Wetland,
Select, Button, DropDownButton, ComboBox, ValidationTextBox, GeodesicUtils,
Dialog, TooltipDialog, DataGrid, Measurement,
ContentPane, BorderContainer, TabContainer,
ItemFileWriteStore, Color, LengthsParameters, GeometryService, Geoprocessor, FeatureSet, LinearUnit,
Registry, popup, Memory, ObjectStore, PictureMarkerSymbol, SimpleFillSymbol, SimpleLineSymbol, SimpleMarkerSymbol, CartographicLineSymbol,
MapConfig, Utils, SapLoadQuery, mesgObj, popup, JSON, parser) {
var mapConfig = new MapConfig();
var cemUtils = new Utils();
var map = null;
var thisItem = null;
return declare(null, {
map: null,
uname: null,
newtooltipdialog: null,
result_test: null,
/* Constructor */
constructor: function (map) {
console.log("Loaded " + this.whoami);
_map = map; = map;
// thisItem = this;
// this.submitcheck();
submitcheck: function (event) {
var a = dojo.byId("_form").value;
// alert();
displayaddFileDialog: function (anchorID) {
var contentpanenew = new ContentPane({
id: 'contentpanenew',
selected: 'true',
content: '<div id="buttons" style="background-color:#E8E8E8;">Select files to upload by clicking on the Browse button <br/>'
+ '(Supported extension types: .zip)<br/><br/></div>'
+ '<form id="_form" data-dojo-attach-point="_form" name="_form" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" >'
+ '<input type = "file" id="uploadFileInput" data-dojo-attach-point="uploadFileInput" accept=".zip" name = "_file" style="width: 190px; opacity: 0.75; padding: 5px;"></input>'
+ '<br/>'
+ '<button id="submitButton" name="submitButton" type="submit" data-dojo-type="dijit/form/Button" style="margin-top: 10px;"> Submit </button>'
+ '<button id="closeUploadDialog" name="closeUploadDialog" data-dojo-type="dijit/form/Button" style="margin-top: 10px;"> Close </button>'
+ '</form><br/><br/>'
// onsubmit = "try: submitcheck()" target="_iframe"
var newtooltipdialog = new TooltipDialog({ content: contentpanenew });
On(dom.byId(anchorID), 'click', function () {
if (dijit.byId(anchorID).get('disabled') == false) {{ popup: newtooltipdialog,
around: dom.byId(anchorID),
orient: ["below-centered"]
}); // end of On
// function submitcheck(event) {
// alert();
// }
Registry.byId('submitButton').on('click', function (e) {
// On(dom.byId("uploadForm"), "change", function (e) {
var portalUrl = "";
// = "/proxy/";
// var a = document.getElementById('inFile').files[0];
// var name_element = _file.value.toLowerCase();
var name_element = dojo.byId("uploadFileInput").value;
if (sniff("ie")) { //filename is full path in IE so extract the file name
var arr = name_element.split("\");
name_element = arr[arr.length - 1];
if (name_element.indexOf(".zip") !== -1) {//is file a zip - if not notify user
// alert("this is a zip file");
else {
alert("this is not a zip folder");
function generateFeatureCollection(name_element) {
var namefeat = name_element.split(".");
//Chrome and IE add c:fakepath to the value - we need to remove it
//See this link for more info:
namefeat = namefeat[0].replace("c:\fakepath\", "");
// namefeat = namefeat[0];
// dom.byId('upload-status').innerHTML = '<b>Loading… </b>' + name;
//Define the input params for generate see the rest doc for details
var params = {
'name': namefeat,
'targetSR': _map.spatialReference,
'maxRecordCount': 100000,
'enforceInputFileSizeLimit': true,
'enforceOutputJsonSizeLimit': true
//generalize features for display Here we generalize at 1:40,000 which is approx 10 meters
//This should work well when using web mercator.
var extent = scaleUtils.getExtentForScale(_map, 40000);
var resolution = extent.getWidth() / _map.width;
params.generalize = true;
params.maxAllowableOffset = resolution;
params.reducePrecision = true;
params.numberOfDigitsAfterDecimal = 0;
var myContent = {
'filetype': 'shapefile',
'publishParameters': JSON.stringify(params),
'f': 'json',
'callback.html': 'textarea'
var a = dom.byId('_form');
var b = document.getElementById("uploadFileInput");
var c = dojo.byId("uploadFileInput");
// var uploadUrl = '';
// var uploadRequest = request({
// url: this.uploadUrl,
// form: dom.byId("_form"),
// handleAs: "json",
// content: myContent
// }, {
// useProxy: true,
// usePost: true
// });
// uploadRequest.then(lang.hitch(this, this.handleFileLoad), lang.hitch(this, this.handleFileLoadError));
// showProgressDialog("Uploading Files.......", true);
//use the rest generate operation to generate a feature collection from the zipped shapefile
url: '',
// url: portalUrl + '/sharing/rest/content/features/generate',
content: myContent,
form: dojo.byId('_form'),
handleAs: 'json',
useProxy: true,
usePost: true,
load: lang.hitch(this, function (response) {
if (response.error) {
var layerName = response.featureCollection.layers[0];
// dom.byId('upload-status').innerHTML = '<b>Loaded: </b>' + layerName;
error: lang.hitch(this, errorHandler)
function errorHandler(error) {
}, true);
}); //end of return
}); //end of define
shapefile arcgis-server error
New contributor
dhruv is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.
add a comment |
var submitcheck;
function (declare, lang, arrayUtils, Deferred, number, sniff, esriConfig, request,
Extent, Draw, Circle, Point, Units, Graphic, Query, QueryTask, RelationshipQuery, scaleUtils, FeatureLayer, SimpleRenderer, Promise, SpatialReference, InfoWindowLite, InfoTemplate,
Xhr, On, dom, Topic, domConstruct, webMercatorUtils,
colors, easing, Chart, Default, Grid, Areas, StackedAreas, MouseIndicator, TouchIndicator, ThreeD, Wetland,
Select, Button, DropDownButton, ComboBox, ValidationTextBox, GeodesicUtils,
Dialog, TooltipDialog, DataGrid, Measurement,
ContentPane, BorderContainer, TabContainer,
ItemFileWriteStore, Color, LengthsParameters, GeometryService, Geoprocessor, FeatureSet, LinearUnit,
Registry, popup, Memory, ObjectStore, PictureMarkerSymbol, SimpleFillSymbol, SimpleLineSymbol, SimpleMarkerSymbol, CartographicLineSymbol,
MapConfig, Utils, SapLoadQuery, mesgObj, popup, JSON, parser) {
var mapConfig = new MapConfig();
var cemUtils = new Utils();
var map = null;
var thisItem = null;
return declare(null, {
map: null,
uname: null,
newtooltipdialog: null,
result_test: null,
/* Constructor */
constructor: function (map) {
console.log("Loaded " + this.whoami);
_map = map; = map;
// thisItem = this;
// this.submitcheck();
submitcheck: function (event) {
var a = dojo.byId("_form").value;
// alert();
displayaddFileDialog: function (anchorID) {
var contentpanenew = new ContentPane({
id: 'contentpanenew',
selected: 'true',
content: '<div id="buttons" style="background-color:#E8E8E8;">Select files to upload by clicking on the Browse button <br/>'
+ '(Supported extension types: .zip)<br/><br/></div>'
+ '<form id="_form" data-dojo-attach-point="_form" name="_form" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" >'
+ '<input type = "file" id="uploadFileInput" data-dojo-attach-point="uploadFileInput" accept=".zip" name = "_file" style="width: 190px; opacity: 0.75; padding: 5px;"></input>'
+ '<br/>'
+ '<button id="submitButton" name="submitButton" type="submit" data-dojo-type="dijit/form/Button" style="margin-top: 10px;"> Submit </button>'
+ '<button id="closeUploadDialog" name="closeUploadDialog" data-dojo-type="dijit/form/Button" style="margin-top: 10px;"> Close </button>'
+ '</form><br/><br/>'
// onsubmit = "try: submitcheck()" target="_iframe"
var newtooltipdialog = new TooltipDialog({ content: contentpanenew });
On(dom.byId(anchorID), 'click', function () {
if (dijit.byId(anchorID).get('disabled') == false) {{ popup: newtooltipdialog,
around: dom.byId(anchorID),
orient: ["below-centered"]
}); // end of On
// function submitcheck(event) {
// alert();
// }
Registry.byId('submitButton').on('click', function (e) {
// On(dom.byId("uploadForm"), "change", function (e) {
var portalUrl = "";
// = "/proxy/";
// var a = document.getElementById('inFile').files[0];
// var name_element = _file.value.toLowerCase();
var name_element = dojo.byId("uploadFileInput").value;
if (sniff("ie")) { //filename is full path in IE so extract the file name
var arr = name_element.split("\");
name_element = arr[arr.length - 1];
if (name_element.indexOf(".zip") !== -1) {//is file a zip - if not notify user
// alert("this is a zip file");
else {
alert("this is not a zip folder");
function generateFeatureCollection(name_element) {
var namefeat = name_element.split(".");
//Chrome and IE add c:fakepath to the value - we need to remove it
//See this link for more info:
namefeat = namefeat[0].replace("c:\fakepath\", "");
// namefeat = namefeat[0];
// dom.byId('upload-status').innerHTML = '<b>Loading… </b>' + name;
//Define the input params for generate see the rest doc for details
var params = {
'name': namefeat,
'targetSR': _map.spatialReference,
'maxRecordCount': 100000,
'enforceInputFileSizeLimit': true,
'enforceOutputJsonSizeLimit': true
//generalize features for display Here we generalize at 1:40,000 which is approx 10 meters
//This should work well when using web mercator.
var extent = scaleUtils.getExtentForScale(_map, 40000);
var resolution = extent.getWidth() / _map.width;
params.generalize = true;
params.maxAllowableOffset = resolution;
params.reducePrecision = true;
params.numberOfDigitsAfterDecimal = 0;
var myContent = {
'filetype': 'shapefile',
'publishParameters': JSON.stringify(params),
'f': 'json',
'callback.html': 'textarea'
var a = dom.byId('_form');
var b = document.getElementById("uploadFileInput");
var c = dojo.byId("uploadFileInput");
// var uploadUrl = '';
// var uploadRequest = request({
// url: this.uploadUrl,
// form: dom.byId("_form"),
// handleAs: "json",
// content: myContent
// }, {
// useProxy: true,
// usePost: true
// });
// uploadRequest.then(lang.hitch(this, this.handleFileLoad), lang.hitch(this, this.handleFileLoadError));
// showProgressDialog("Uploading Files.......", true);
//use the rest generate operation to generate a feature collection from the zipped shapefile
url: '',
// url: portalUrl + '/sharing/rest/content/features/generate',
content: myContent,
form: dojo.byId('_form'),
handleAs: 'json',
useProxy: true,
usePost: true,
load: lang.hitch(this, function (response) {
if (response.error) {
var layerName = response.featureCollection.layers[0];
// dom.byId('upload-status').innerHTML = '<b>Loaded: </b>' + layerName;
error: lang.hitch(this, errorHandler)
function errorHandler(error) {
}, true);
}); //end of return
}); //end of define
shapefile arcgis-server error
New contributor
dhruv is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.
var submitcheck;
function (declare, lang, arrayUtils, Deferred, number, sniff, esriConfig, request,
Extent, Draw, Circle, Point, Units, Graphic, Query, QueryTask, RelationshipQuery, scaleUtils, FeatureLayer, SimpleRenderer, Promise, SpatialReference, InfoWindowLite, InfoTemplate,
Xhr, On, dom, Topic, domConstruct, webMercatorUtils,
colors, easing, Chart, Default, Grid, Areas, StackedAreas, MouseIndicator, TouchIndicator, ThreeD, Wetland,
Select, Button, DropDownButton, ComboBox, ValidationTextBox, GeodesicUtils,
Dialog, TooltipDialog, DataGrid, Measurement,
ContentPane, BorderContainer, TabContainer,
ItemFileWriteStore, Color, LengthsParameters, GeometryService, Geoprocessor, FeatureSet, LinearUnit,
Registry, popup, Memory, ObjectStore, PictureMarkerSymbol, SimpleFillSymbol, SimpleLineSymbol, SimpleMarkerSymbol, CartographicLineSymbol,
MapConfig, Utils, SapLoadQuery, mesgObj, popup, JSON, parser) {
var mapConfig = new MapConfig();
var cemUtils = new Utils();
var map = null;
var thisItem = null;
return declare(null, {
map: null,
uname: null,
newtooltipdialog: null,
result_test: null,
/* Constructor */
constructor: function (map) {
console.log("Loaded " + this.whoami);
_map = map; = map;
// thisItem = this;
// this.submitcheck();
submitcheck: function (event) {
var a = dojo.byId("_form").value;
// alert();
displayaddFileDialog: function (anchorID) {
var contentpanenew = new ContentPane({
id: 'contentpanenew',
selected: 'true',
content: '<div id="buttons" style="background-color:#E8E8E8;">Select files to upload by clicking on the Browse button <br/>'
+ '(Supported extension types: .zip)<br/><br/></div>'
+ '<form id="_form" data-dojo-attach-point="_form" name="_form" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" >'
+ '<input type = "file" id="uploadFileInput" data-dojo-attach-point="uploadFileInput" accept=".zip" name = "_file" style="width: 190px; opacity: 0.75; padding: 5px;"></input>'
+ '<br/>'
+ '<button id="submitButton" name="submitButton" type="submit" data-dojo-type="dijit/form/Button" style="margin-top: 10px;"> Submit </button>'
+ '<button id="closeUploadDialog" name="closeUploadDialog" data-dojo-type="dijit/form/Button" style="margin-top: 10px;"> Close </button>'
+ '</form><br/><br/>'
// onsubmit = "try: submitcheck()" target="_iframe"
var newtooltipdialog = new TooltipDialog({ content: contentpanenew });
On(dom.byId(anchorID), 'click', function () {
if (dijit.byId(anchorID).get('disabled') == false) {{ popup: newtooltipdialog,
around: dom.byId(anchorID),
orient: ["below-centered"]
}); // end of On
// function submitcheck(event) {
// alert();
// }
Registry.byId('submitButton').on('click', function (e) {
// On(dom.byId("uploadForm"), "change", function (e) {
var portalUrl = "";
// = "/proxy/";
// var a = document.getElementById('inFile').files[0];
// var name_element = _file.value.toLowerCase();
var name_element = dojo.byId("uploadFileInput").value;
if (sniff("ie")) { //filename is full path in IE so extract the file name
var arr = name_element.split("\");
name_element = arr[arr.length - 1];
if (name_element.indexOf(".zip") !== -1) {//is file a zip - if not notify user
// alert("this is a zip file");
else {
alert("this is not a zip folder");
function generateFeatureCollection(name_element) {
var namefeat = name_element.split(".");
//Chrome and IE add c:fakepath to the value - we need to remove it
//See this link for more info:
namefeat = namefeat[0].replace("c:\fakepath\", "");
// namefeat = namefeat[0];
// dom.byId('upload-status').innerHTML = '<b>Loading… </b>' + name;
//Define the input params for generate see the rest doc for details
var params = {
'name': namefeat,
'targetSR': _map.spatialReference,
'maxRecordCount': 100000,
'enforceInputFileSizeLimit': true,
'enforceOutputJsonSizeLimit': true
//generalize features for display Here we generalize at 1:40,000 which is approx 10 meters
//This should work well when using web mercator.
var extent = scaleUtils.getExtentForScale(_map, 40000);
var resolution = extent.getWidth() / _map.width;
params.generalize = true;
params.maxAllowableOffset = resolution;
params.reducePrecision = true;
params.numberOfDigitsAfterDecimal = 0;
var myContent = {
'filetype': 'shapefile',
'publishParameters': JSON.stringify(params),
'f': 'json',
'callback.html': 'textarea'
var a = dom.byId('_form');
var b = document.getElementById("uploadFileInput");
var c = dojo.byId("uploadFileInput");
// var uploadUrl = '';
// var uploadRequest = request({
// url: this.uploadUrl,
// form: dom.byId("_form"),
// handleAs: "json",
// content: myContent
// }, {
// useProxy: true,
// usePost: true
// });
// uploadRequest.then(lang.hitch(this, this.handleFileLoad), lang.hitch(this, this.handleFileLoadError));
// showProgressDialog("Uploading Files.......", true);
//use the rest generate operation to generate a feature collection from the zipped shapefile
url: '',
// url: portalUrl + '/sharing/rest/content/features/generate',
content: myContent,
form: dojo.byId('_form'),
handleAs: 'json',
useProxy: true,
usePost: true,
load: lang.hitch(this, function (response) {
if (response.error) {
var layerName = response.featureCollection.layers[0];
// dom.byId('upload-status').innerHTML = '<b>Loaded: </b>' + layerName;
error: lang.hitch(this, errorHandler)
function errorHandler(error) {
}, true);
}); //end of return
}); //end of define
shapefile arcgis-server error
shapefile arcgis-server error
New contributor
dhruv is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.
New contributor
dhruv is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.
New contributor
dhruv is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.
asked 3 mins ago
New contributor
dhruv is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.
New contributor
dhruv is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.
dhruv is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.
add a comment |
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StackExchange.ready(function() {
var channelOptions = {
tags: "".split(" "),
id: "79"
initTagRenderer("".split(" "), "".split(" "), channelOptions);
StackExchange.using("externalEditor", function() {
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if (StackExchange.settings.snippets.snippetsEnabled) {
StackExchange.using("snippets", function() {
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function createEditor() {
heartbeatType: 'answer',
autoActivateHeartbeat: false,
convertImagesToLinks: false,
noModals: true,
showLowRepImageUploadWarning: true,
reputationToPostImages: null,
bindNavPrevention: true,
postfix: "",
imageUploader: {
brandingHtml: "Powered by u003ca class="icon-imgur-white" href=""u003eu003c/au003e",
contentPolicyHtml: "User contributions licensed under u003ca href=""u003ecc by-sa 3.0 with attribution requiredu003c/au003e u003ca href=""u003e(content policy)u003c/au003e",
allowUrls: true
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discardSelector: ".discard-answer"
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dhruv is a new contributor. Be nice, and check out our Code of Conduct.
dhruv is a new contributor. Be nice, and check out our Code of Conduct.
dhruv is a new contributor. Be nice, and check out our Code of Conduct.
dhruv is a new contributor. Be nice, and check out our Code of Conduct.
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